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Reminder: Update your PC info for the next round of statistics updates

By - | Views: 20,826

This is the public once a month reminder to make sure your PC information is correct on your user profiles. A fresh batch of statistics is generated on the 1st of each month. Also a good reminder of our stats system for people who don't know about it.

You need to be logged in to see when you last updated your PC info!

You can see the statistics any time on this page.

PC Info is automatically purged if it hasn't been updated, or if you don't click the link to remain in for 5 years. This way we prevent too much stale data and don't hold onto your data for longer than required. If this is still correct and it has been a long time since you updated, you can simply click here to continue to be included. If this isn't correct, click here to go to your User Control Panel to update it!

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Eike Feb 27, 2023
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With a bit of surprise I found that my statistics don't contain that I own a Steam Deck (as it's not my primary device).
Liam Dawe Feb 27, 2023
Quoting: EikeWith a bit of surprise I found that my statistics don't contain that I own a Steam Deck (as it's not my primary device).
Hmmm yes, that brings up a good point. Need to think on a way to include it regardless, and potentially other handhelds. Open to suggestions.
Eike Feb 27, 2023
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Secondary gaming device? :-D
Or, deserved by it's importance, "owning Steam Deck [ ] yes [ ] no"?
vox Feb 27, 2023
I was interested in Manjaro numbers after their last mishandling of the hardware accelerated decoding situation. Because that forced me to leave, although ironically I was one of the proponents of the system in a big discussion here just days before. And it seemed to buff up the Arch (and arch-derivative) metrics at the expense of Manjaro in the past months a little bit. Can't be sure of course, but its interesting how things change now in comparison to 5 or 10 years ago in the land of distributions.
And I must say thanks to Liam for bringing the Linux share Steam statistics to light and reporting on it. That's very interesting to observe and think of the possible consequences later down the line.
Koopacabras Feb 27, 2023
yaay new gpu a 6700XT 😎😎😎
Teq Feb 27, 2023
Quoting: EikeSecondary gaming device? :-D
Or, deserved by it's importance, "owning Steam Deck [ ] yes [ ] no"?

I've always had a secondary device, but Steam Deck seems to be an easy, and somewhat important binary to include.
Eike Feb 27, 2023
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Quoting: Teq
Quoting: EikeSecondary gaming device? :-D
Or, deserved by it's importance, "owning Steam Deck [ ] yes [ ] no"?

I've always had a secondary device

But you can't put it in the statistics, or am I missing something here?
Liam Dawe Feb 27, 2023
The problem with such a defined question like "Do you have a Steam Deck" is that I'm always thinking on the future: Steam Deck 2, if they just decide in a year or two not to continue it etc. Having such a singular focus question is not ideal to keep in the survey, because eventually it might need to just be removed hmmm.
Pengling Feb 27, 2023
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Quoting: Liam Dawe
Quoting: EikeWith a bit of surprise I found that my statistics don't contain that I own a Steam Deck (as it's not my primary device).
Hmmm yes, that brings up a good point. Need to think on a way to include it regardless, and potentially other handhelds. Open to suggestions.
I've got several portables (they're my jam ), but given that there are so many variations out there (both natively Linux, and that are supported by Linux but don't come with it by default), I'd suggest perhaps having a checkbox (something like "Do you own a Linux handheld?") and a blank field to fill in which one(s) you have.

I'm not sure how one would handle a handheld being someone's primary Linux gaming device, though (which is the case for me - my listed specs are for my GPD Win Max 2021, but I game in different ways on all four of my Linux portables) - perhaps a second checkbox to denote that, as well? (EDIT: I'm a dummy - I forgot that this option is already in there! )

At any rate, portables are popular, and even if Valve opts not to continue with the Steam Deck in the end, the category itself isn't going to go anywhere.

Last edited by Pengling on 27 February 2023 at 12:54 pm UTC
Liam Dawe Feb 27, 2023
Quoting: Pengling
Quoting: Liam Dawe
Quoting: EikeWith a bit of surprise I found that my statistics don't contain that I own a Steam Deck (as it's not my primary device).
Hmmm yes, that brings up a good point. Need to think on a way to include it regardless, and potentially other handhelds. Open to suggestions.
I've got several portables (they're my jam ), but given that there are so many variations out there (both natively Linux, and that are supported by Linux but don't come with it by default), I'd suggest perhaps having a checkbox (something like "Do you own a Linux handheld?") and a blank field to fill in which one(s) you have.

I'm not sure how one would handle a handheld being someone's primary Linux gaming device, though (which is the case for me - my listed specs are for my GPD Win Max 2021, but I game in different ways on all four of my Linux portables) - perhaps a second checkbox to denote that, as well?

At any rate, portables are popular, and even if Valve opts not to continue with the Steam Deck in the end, the category itself isn't going to go anywhere.
Yeah, this is why I would prefer to keep an open question for it, I'll think some more on how to best arrange it.
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