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Europa Universalis IV: Domination releasing April 18th

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Paradox has confirmed the Europa Universalis IV: Domination expansion is now releasing on April 18th. This is a full add-on too, not a small story pack.

In this add-on for the popular grand strategy game you will get a bunch of additions for some of the most popular and powerful nations available. This includes entirely new mission trees, historical government reforms, estate challenges and units to add greater variety and sometimes, tough choices.

Some of what's new:

  • The Ottoman Empire: A revised conquest tree with new rewards for pushing Ottoman dominance, including expansion through the new Eyalet system, and new internal changes, such as the new Janissary estate, the new Ottoman Decadence mechanic, and the ‘Ottoman Power Struggle’ disaster.
  • China: Different mission trees for the Han Ming and invader empires like the Qing. Choose between expansion and Inward Perfection, and counter the power of the Eunuchs to build a more stable empire.
  • Japan: Unite Japan as you deal with the power of the Shogun and the independent Daimyos. Choose to open the country to foreign influence or keep it isolated, while deciding upon different paths of expansion and reform.
  • Russia: Free your country of the Tatar Yoke, and transform it into a Great Empire. Choose the path of Peter’s reforms to modernize the state, so your mission tree as well as your mechanics will change and evolve as the game progresses. Use the power of Cossacks and Streltsy to expand your Empire to East and West.
  • Spain: Expanded mission trees for Castile and Aragon, with different paths to form Spain, a new mechanic available for the new ‘System of Councils’ government, and decisions about the Army and Navy to get the mighty Tercios and Spanish Armada.
  • France: Fight the end of the Hundred Years War, centralize France into an absolute monarchy while dealing with the Wars of Religion, expand into Italy and the Holy Roman Empire, and lead the Revolution through an expanded mission tree.
  • Great Britain: Separate paths for either a British Empire or an Angevin Britain, as well as a deeper internal gameplay, with unique features for the English Parliament  and changes to the English Civil War disaster.
  • Minor nations: Mission changes, new government mechanics and expanded flavor for Prussia, Portugal and Korea.
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You can buy Europa Universalis IV from GOGHumble Store and Steam.

Will you be picking it up? Paradox said it will be $19.99 / £16.75 / €19.99 at release and anyone who pre-orders will receive a free bonus music pack.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Mal Mar 30, 2023
  • Supporter
Man the greed at Pdx. Now even music tracks are pre order bonus?

For them to push that hard people to preorder, we can be sure that there will be no bad surprises on day 0 for this dlc.

You can start writing the "eu4 review bomb" on steam article Liam so you have it ready for the 18th .
TheSHEEEP Mar 30, 2023
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A few changes to mission trees for a handful of countries, some new art, some new music pieces.
20 bucks, thank you very much.

Dear lord

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