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Space colony building sim Starmancer gets a huge content upgrade

By - | Views: 26,570

After quite a while of waiting, Ominux Games have released The Wilderness update for space colony building sim Starmancer. This is the first proper update to the game since early 2022, and it needed it because it was very Early Access, although it was clearly going in the right direction.

Speaking about the update the developer said: "Leave the comforts of your space station to loot asteroids and derelict ships across the galaxy. Hunt for resources, take on territorial monsters, and avoid alien… probing?! Advance your ship using your newfound space booty and experiment with forbidden technologies. You might even adopt a wandering Space Colonist - but be careful, you never know who or what you might encounter…"

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There's quite a lot to the update too, they've clearly been busy. There's explorable station and asteroids spread around, lots of new enemies, you can draft a colonist to your bidding, a rebalance of many core mechanics, tons of bug fixes, more cheats and settings to customize to properly personalize the experience and the list goes on.

Nice to see such a big update for a promising game that has Native Linux support.

You can buy it from GOGHumble Store and Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Jarmer Mar 16, 2023
Interesting update for sure! I remember adding this to my wishlist years ago - honestly had forgotten all about it. I wonder how it compares to Space Haven.
CatKiller Mar 16, 2023
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Quoting: JarmerInteresting update for sure! I remember adding this to my wishlist years ago - honestly had forgotten all about it. I wonder how it compares to Space Haven.
I've got both of them on my wishlist - I don't buy Early Access games. I guess I'll see which one crosses the finish line first.
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