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The frantic Unrailed! gets a big free underwater update

By - | Views: 20,886

Trains underwater? It's happening. The frantic and hilarious Unrailed! just got a big free content upgrade.

A game all about working together, as you build a railway track for a moving train you constantly upgrade. It's seriously a lot of fun and it can be a real test of your patience with your friends. In this update they've added the underwater biome, the Time mode is now out of Beta and works with cross-play, updates to fix issues in the Linux and macOS version, various bug fixes, improved gamepad handling for Steam Deck and more.

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Feature Highlight:

  • An intense and chaotic railroad construction experience
  • Online and local couch co-op multiplayer (also mixing both possible)
  • Procedurally generated worlds with 4 different difficulty levels
  • Dynamic weather system & day and night cycle
  • Game modes: Endless, Quick, Sandbox (up to 4 players) and Versus (2 vs 2 players)
  • Distinct biomes (5+)
  • A bunch of upgradable wagons (10+) to modify your train in Endless mode
  • Unlockable characters
  • A replay system
  • Online highscores with replays
  • Simple controls & split keyboard and split controller mode

You can buy it on Humble Store and Steam. It has Native Linux support and it's Steam Deck Verified.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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ShabbyX Mar 15, 2023
> An intense and chaotic railroad construction experience

They are not lying! This game is an absolute must for anyone that has someone to play coop with.
Pengling Mar 15, 2023
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I got this in a mystery key-bundle a little while ago and still haven't tried it out - thanks for the reminder!
BigRob029 Mar 16, 2023
UnRailed is great! I loathe crafting and mining in games (see Minecraft), but somehow UnRailed was able to hook me. It strikes a fun balance as it goes from chill to frantic and back again as you progress through each level. Also, its great with friends! When the game is just as good with friends on the couch as it is on steam's remote-play, you know the devs did a good job. (The replay feature is so good too!)
jo3fis Mar 16, 2023
My family and I have had a lot of fun with this one, got it in a humble bundle I think as it's not something that I would normally pick up. Difficulty is punishing however and seemed rather impossible once we got to the snow biome, did anyone else find this?
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