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Vangers the open source classic from 1998 continues to be upgraded

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Vangers is a thoroughly weird racing role-playing adventure originally released in 1998, and it's still being upgraded.

The developers describe it as: "Mind-altering sandbox game that can be described as a racing role-playing adventure game with a complicated storyline. You’ll find a unique atmosphere, complete freedom and lots of gameplay hours to figure out what’s the game is all about."

Want to see how weird it is? See below:

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Back in February 2022, it even got a HD revamp to support a higher (by original standards) 1280x720 resolution. This was made possible, as the game's code is open source under the GPL on GitHub. The HD patch was originally a community effort, and then further refined together with the developers and added to the official game. Nice!

It also just got the first update in quite some time, with a new update going out on March 3rd adding in:

  • Video fixes for MacOS.
  • Fixes for memory issues.
  • Prevented infinite loop when handing out eLeech if Eleerection is the only cycle left.
  • Prevented "permanent" UI block after using Boot Sector.
  • Window aspect ratio now calculated dynamically.
  • Fixed game crash when trying to use Protractor under some circumstances.
  • Error messages are more informative in certain cases.
  • Fixed game crash when window height is less than 600.
  • Prevented unwanted mouse cursor position changes in certain cases.
  • Fixed texts alignment for game ending screens and items with associated text screens (tabutasks, passengers, poponkas).
  • Multiple fixes for game chat in multiplayer: init scroll position, alignment, size at different resolutions.
  • Fixed multiplayer chat closing upon any attempts to type.
  • Fixed multiple errors in Mechosoma game mode on Necross.
  • Multiple changes to make working with code easier.

After trying it out today for the first time, it might be the strangest game I've ever played. Every single part of it is just thoroughly weird.

Available on GOG and Steam.

Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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OneSubtractOne Mar 7, 2023
I loved vangers as a kid. And then as an adult. And probably still although I haven't played in forever.
The story is insane, the gameplay is also insane.
I'm so glad to see it still getting reported on. Except, you know, now I have to install it again.
Chuckaluphagus Mar 7, 2023
The 2014 release video gives off such intense 1996 vibes that I feel like I should source an old CRT monitor to play it on. Pretty cool that it is still in development.
Linas Mar 8, 2023
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Oh man, this game. I played it a bit back in the day, but could not figure out what the heck was going on or what I was supposed to be doing? I think it was also in russian, which did not help.
omfgnuts Mar 13, 2023
Quoting: LinasOh man, this game. I played it a bit back in the day, but could not figure out what the heck was going on or what I was supposed to be doing? I think it was also in russian, which did not help.

it's obscure in Russian too
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