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Wine development release v8.3 is out now

By - | Views: 21,206

Wine, the translations layer that allows Windows apps and games to run on other operating systems, that forms part of Steam Play Proton has version 8.3 out now.

The main highlights of Wine 8.3 include:

  • Support for the Low Fragmentation Heap.
  • Smard card support using PCSC-Lite.
  • Bundled Zydis library for more correct disassembly.
  • Various bug fixes.

29 bugs were noted to be solved including issues for the likes of Path of Exile, Sacred, Escape from Tarkov, Saints Row: The Third and various miscellaneous expected fixes for other parts of Wine.

ICYMI: Wayland driver for Wine is getting closer. Plus D8VK is an in-progress implementation of Direct3D 8 for DXVK.

Want help managing Wine on Linux? You can try BottlesLutris and the Heroic Launcher.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Solarwing Mar 6, 2023
This is a good thing to celebrate. So I must go to a local booze shop and get a couple Wine bottles. After I've drank 'em it's a very good idea to call to local hospital and have my stomach flushed! A nice little day program! And hopefully there will be no hangover afterwards But wine is developing fast. Almost every week there's an update. Good work!keep it going!
mrdeathjr Mar 6, 2023
​In this wine after many years in my case bad day la runs (this app have if i remember good show c++ error)

other title is eracer in my case, infamous gamma change are fixed

And in other things related with wine like d8vk

max payne 2 runs now (before appear some crashes - main menu)

​and this appear (no dlls for now ) but maybe D7VK ????​

Shmerl Mar 7, 2023
Is d3d7 basically ddraw.dll?
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