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WorldBox - God Simulator adds in alliances, ages, clans and more

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WorldBox - God Simulator is a fun way to spend a coffee break, giving you a world to mess about with and a big new update is out now to give it a little bit more depth. This is a great casual game that does not take any part of it seriously, it's all about doing whatever the heck you want.

Just recently on March 12th a major update was released. The highlights include:

  • Ages - seasons that last for many years and bring disasters or prosperity to the world. From nightfall to madness, there’s many surprises included.
  • Alliances - they improves diplomacy by making civilizations unite together against common foes.
  • New Wars - wars now are more detailed. And you will be able to track how long it has been going on, including the death toll, etc.
  • Clans - kingdoms can and will be ruled by bloodlines and families.
  • Plans and Plots - addition to diplomacy, for making it more transparent who’s plotting what.
  • Music - we added new sound engine. Together with music based on what you’re watching right now and many new sounds!

A game for telling stories as everything unfolds and often it's hilarious chaos. You can be really hands-off with it, or you can truly mess with everyone. In my latest game, I decided to see what would happen if I created three separate civilizations: Humans, Dwarves and Orcs. I gave them all the same opportunities, the same amount of starting people, a few cows and even a couple of cats — which the Orcs didn't appreciate, they killed them…so I nuked them.

With great power comes great responsibility and clearly I needed to step in, who doesn't like cats?

After that, I decided to put down a bunch of Elves in their place and let the world grow for a little while. That was, until I discovered the power to make plants come to life. It's hard to resist such a hilarious sounding power, and so I used it all around my little Dwarves. Not sure I thought that one through, the Trees went on a murdering spree.

So then of course I had to deal with very angry trees roaming around, so then Napalm had to come out otherwise the trees would ruin everything my other civilizations had built up. I couldn't risk it. Am I the real monster here? No, I am God, I can't do wrong — right?

Anyway, a good while later once things settled down, I decided to try and make it a bit more peaceful. I gave everyone some chickens and various other animals. Things looked good, they even built some farms and windmills. The world in my box here was coming together. That was, until, the Humans and Elves went to war. This isn't going to end well…

I think I might have to spawn a Rat King, perhaps add in a few Evil Mages and a couple Demons to see if it makes them all come together for the greater good. What could possibly go wrong? 

Available to buy on Steam with Native Linux support and it's Steam Deck Verified.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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1 comment

Jarmer Mar 18, 2023
hahahah - I love the storytelling. I would nuke the kittyhaters too.
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