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Hell Let Loose planning Steam Deck support

By - | Views: 34,207

The hardcore FPS Hell Let Loose had a 2023 roadmap reveal, and they've confirmed they're planning to add Steam Deck support.

It uses Easy Anti-Cheat, which has been the problem in running it currently as developers need to manually enable it for Linux / Steam Deck. Even though Valve worked with Epic Games to ensure both the newer EOS version and the older version of EAC are supported, it's not always as easy as just hitting a button and making sure things are in the right place. As we've seen from Halo MCC and others, sometimes it just doesn't work, for whatever reason.

At least in this case, Steam Deck support is firmly on their roadmap, which a target for September:

So I'll be following it along, to keep you informed on any developments there. No doubt it will use Steam Play Proton (not Native). September is still a while away so it gives them plenty of time for testing and figuring out any problems and gives Valve even more time to improve Proton further too.

The Steam Deck mention is at about 6:26:

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Uberkeyser Apr 4, 2023
Hell let Loose on the Deck? Nah, I dont think so.
But if this means HLL is finally going to greenlist Linux on their EAC, then YAY! I am all in!!!
officernice Apr 4, 2023
FINALLY!!!! :D :D :D :D

Since Tripwire seems to not care at all, I have been waiting so long for this! Thanks, Valve, for free Linux support. :D
StalePopcorn Apr 4, 2023
After official Linux support I'll check it out
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