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Valheim is getting siege weapons, fortresses and fearsome foes

By - | Views: 58,579

The upcoming major update to Valheim with The Ashlands is sounding increasingly exciting, as the developers have another spoiler-filled development blog post up. Naturally, you'll want to avert your eyes if you don't want anything spoiled.

While there's no expected release date yet for The Ashlands because they're still working out all the mechanics, this is an exciting glimpse into what to expect from it. However, we might see some public testing within the next couple of months.

It seems the land will be filled with fortresses and siege weapons, something that was teased on Twitter recently but now we have a clear shot of one:

These fortresses will come with some scary looking creatures too like the Fallen Valkyrie and the Charred:

Sure they look scary, but I would argue the scariest foes in Valheim are still those damn Deathsquitos, sneaky little things. Lost count of the amount of times I've been bested by them.

Oh and if that wasn't enough, there's going to be a Bonemaw Serpent ready to chomp sections of your ships away, or your arms and legs if you happen to fall into the water:

All this plus the upcoming customisation of the difficulty options (and a creative mode) really has me excited, the future of Valheim is sounding simply awesome.

Valheim is available to buy on Humble Store or Steam. It has Native Linux support and it is Steam Deck Verified.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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rcrit Apr 26, 2023
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I wonder how well siege will work in single-player.
StoneColdSpider Apr 26, 2023
I honestly thought that was a Terminator in the news thumbnail image on the front page........
My disappointment is immeasurable..... And my day is ruined......
fabertawe Apr 26, 2023
Quoting: rcritI wonder how well siege will work in single-player.

I got the impression they'd be manned by nasties. Presumably the player can also use them when captured (or built?). Anyway, looks good. With the drip rate of new stuff it looks like I'll be playing this game for years to come
Laura Apr 27, 2023
Be careful recommending Valheim to Steam Deck users. It has severe performance issues that really show themselves on the Steam Deck. It frequently dips below 15 FPS.

It is Steam Deck Verified but honestly it should at best be 'Playable'. There's 'Playable' games that play much better than Valheim on Steam Deck.
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