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That's it, the development and expansions to the hit city-builder Cities: Skylines are over with the release of Hotels & Retreats. With the developer moving onto the sequel.

What they say is more of a "mini" expansion adding in the ability to build holiday and tourist spots, giving you an element of hotel management too. Cities: Skylines - Hotels & Retreats Key Features:

  • Hotel Buildings: Hostels, cabins, hotels, luxurious resorts… you name it! Add a series of hotel buildings to your city on a range of budgets.
  • Hotel Management: Start with one-star hotels and unlock new options as your business revenue and popularity booms.
  • Tourism Buildings: New structures will support your hotels: parks, restaurants, playgrounds, and cafès.
  • Location: Matching hotels with good locations will be paramount, as differing locations will attract different tourist groups. We added 5 new maps for your hotels (3 European-inspired maps, 1 tropical map, and 1 temperate map)
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“Looking back on the incredible journey of Cities: Skylines, it’s clear to see that it has become more than just a game. It's a community of passionate and creative individuals who have built intricate and magnificent cities with their own unique visions,” said Mariina Hallikainen, CEO of Colossal Order. “Hotels & Retreats is the last expansion for Cities: Skylines and celebrates its legacy by introducing ways for players to express their creativity.”

In addition they also released a few content creator packs:

  • Industrial Evolution: Walk the path of history with “Industrial Evolution”, from Community Creator Samantha “Avanya” Woods. This Content Creator Pack includes a new set of growable buildings that span different eras of industrial building styles, from red brick walls to modern, sleek industrial complexes.
  • Industrial Evolution includes a total of 70 new buildings inspired by both historic and contemporary industrial buildings.
  • Railroads of Japan: Fun discoveries await with “Railroads of Japan” from Content Creator Ryuichi Kaminogi, adding authentic Japanese railroad scenery to Cities: Skylines with stations, trains, buses, and more!
  • Watch your citizens travel using the metro, bus, and railroad. Decorate your commutes with networks, props, and police stations.
  • Brooklyn & Queens: This pack from Content Creator Prosper, is a set of medium-rise high-density residential buildings and props inspired by the neighborhoods of Brooklyn and Queens for decorating your city’s facade and rooftops.
  • Brooklyn & Queens includes 60+ growable buildings and props, such as rental signs, window air conditioners, exhaust fans, stairways, and more!

Even though official development is over, Cities: Skylines has a huge modding scene that will no doubt keep the game alive for years to come yet. Tens of thousands of maps, thousands of mods and much more can be easily added into the game to keep it fresh.

You can buy Cities Skylines on Humble Store and Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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FSFmember May 23, 2023
Mercifully this is finally the last DLC, thanks Paradox! Although I wouldn't be surprised if they surface another one in a year or so - just as a bonus!

Seriously though, looking forward to Cities Skylines 2. Hopefully it will be worth the wait!

Last edited by FSFmember on 23 May 2023 at 6:42 pm UTC
based May 23, 2023
Such a shame this game became such an un-optimized mess, engine limitations apparently.

That 8GB recommended RAM on the store page is a total joke, if you own the expansions you need 32GB MINIMUM.

I hope C:S2 is more optimized.

(C:S1 is still great tho, love this city builder)
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