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Dino MMO survival game Path of Titans is really coming along

By - | Views: 23,589

Path of Titans is one I haven't checked on in some time, a dinosaur MMO survival game currently in development and it's looking pretty good. Still relatively early days for the game, but the content has been expanding on this quite nicely.

It feels a bit like a dino-themed Rust in a way, with you being dropped into the world as a dino of your choice, with your customized pattern and colours and it's up to you to do what you want. It just recently had a Nightstalker Update adding in expanded combat abilities, and as the update name suggests - special nighttime abilities too. There's also been various upgrades for dino textures and animations and dinos that love fish will now gain certain special buffs from certain types of fish.

Trailer of their recent Night Stalker update:

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So much more has been added and coming soon! There's big upgrades to the two included open-world maps, their music system is coming with an original soundtrack, there's a new random colouring button to randomize your dino and lots more.

Having a bit of a dive into it today, I was quite impressed by what I was seeing. The dino design and animation is looking fantastic, I especially love the wiggle when you walk and the various sounds you can make to say hi or to warn others. The tutorial it has now at least gives you a basic intro to the mechanics, and there's some starting quests now too but I feel it could still do with a bit more hand-holding for newer players. Plenty of fun to go exploring though and seeing what creatures you come across.

I ended up with a little follower for a while, until they decided to chomp on my leg which they clearly regretted considering how much bigger and more powerful my jaws were…

Full update notes here. You can buy it direct from the developer.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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UnixOutlaw May 24, 2023
I own this and I got it running eventually on Ubuntu 22.04 (and even Fedora 36/37 I think) mid/late last year - but I just CANNOT get either the SNAP or the AppImage to work now I'm running Pop!_OS 22.04 (on a Ryzen 7 Desktop machine with Radeon RX6600, and a Ryzen 5 ThinkPad with Vega8 GPU)...


I had to use the "--no-sandbox" argument to get it to run (Alderon Game Launcher) on Ubuntu 22.04 :
./AlderonGamesLauncher-1.1.69.AppImage --no-sandbox

But that doesn't work on Pop!_OS...

Just tried the Alderon Games Launcher install via Lutris - and it works... No idea what magic it does, but it works...

Last edited by UnixOutlaw on 24 May 2023 at 5:43 am UTC
Scytale May 24, 2023

(great on Deck, 90+h and more)
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