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Any Avatar: The Last Airbender fans around? Hamlet Games are developing Emberbane, an action-packed epic metroidvania platformer inspired by Avatar. With plans for Linux, macOS and Windows support it's looking really great.

Focusing on the protagonist Ophelia, the devs say you'll harness the formidable power of the four elements, making great use of them during combat and throughout the world in the complex platforming puzzles too. Have a look at the trailer below because it's pretty impressive in how fluid it looks:

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  • Master the Four Elements: Seamlessly wield the formidable power of the four elements to reshape the world around you.
  • High Octane Action: Learn and harness a variety of elemental moves to amplify your combat prowess and strike fear into the hearts of your foes.
  • Intense Platforming Mechanics: Unlock new abilities that amplify your traversal potential, allowing for increasingly intricate exploration of the world.
  • Craft Your Unique Playstyle: Utilize the relics you discover throughout your journey to diversify your gameplay and carve out a combat style that is uniquely yours.
  • Explore Diverse Landscapes: Embark on a journey through varied terrains - from sun-scorched deserts and lush forests to foreboding castles and the eerie depths of your own nightmares. Uncover the rich tapestry of the world that surrounds you.
  • Challenging Enemies: Prepare to test your mettle against a vast bestiary of foes, from elemental sages to creatures born of nightmares, each posing unique challenges to keep you on your toes throughout your journey.
  •  Epic Boss Battles: Brace yourself for six distinctive main boss encounters, each featuring unique themes and gameplay mechanics, punctuated by numerous high-stakes mini-boss battles throughout your journey.
  • Immerse in a Tragic Hero Narrative: Emberbane is deeply rooted in the ethos of tragic hero stories. Every aspect of the game, from its adversaries to its locales, is meticulously designed to weave a coherent and immersive experience that echoes this poignant theme.

The developer is seeking at least $12,000 on Kickstarter to help finish it, with big chunks of the money planned for additions like voice over, localization, music and more.

You can fund it on Kickstarter and follow it on Steam.

Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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denyasis May 16, 2023
That looks pretty cool!
no_information_here May 16, 2023
Always interested in new metroidvania games. I hope the world-building is good.

(Ahem, all I really wanted was to be a blood-bender...)
Soulprayer May 17, 2023
That looks cool, i like metroidvania but hope it isn't so difficult as meat boy or celeste.
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