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Have you picked up anything during Steam Sports Fest 2023?

By - | Views: 17,291

Steam Sports Fest has officially begun (I'm a little late on that) and it runs until May 22nd, so you've got plenty of time to check it out. During this time there are demos, discounts, free Steam stickers each day and more.

What actually counts as a sport when it comes to games is a pretty wide genre, that said sports as a whole is a pretty big net so no doubt there's something you'll be able to find.

Valve continue doing their funny little trailers now too:

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Although they do the more serious business trailers as well:

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If you scroll down the special sale page, there will be all sorts of filters you can apply. It's pretty slim pickings if you're only going for Native Linux games though. For Steam Deck and desktop Linux with Proton, there's loads of good picks that work out of the box. Admittedly sporting games aren't exactly my jam though.

Have you picked up anything good?

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Tags: Event, Misc, On Sale, Steam
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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mrdeathjr May 17, 2023
Let me see..................nothing this time

whizse May 17, 2023
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QuoteHave you picked up anything during Steam Sports Fest 2023?
Athlete's foot. But I'm not sure if it's caused by the sale..?

Kidding aside. I did snatch up the four free DLCs for Dirt Rally 2.0!
Drakker May 17, 2023
Hmm... nope!
amatai May 17, 2023
Nope as I'm not into sport games. But I loved Tacticon 2023 that happened just before. Small, highly specialised festival like that are really cool.
Pengling May 17, 2023
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Nah, nothing for me in this one - sports games aren't my thing. My wallet is thankful.
tuubi May 17, 2023
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I did look at Descenders (again), and it still looks fun, but I really don't need more games right now. Gotta work on that backlog.
StoneColdSpider May 17, 2023
I was going the get SRX: The Game..... But according to steam motorsports is not a sport so its not on sale.....
ElectricPrism May 17, 2023
I picked up Session (the skateboard game) (but not at this sale) ... and unfortunately hated it.

It had too strong angsty juvenile vibes and I didn't care for the quality of the modeling or the controls.

I'm open to suggestions for great games, but sports has come across to me as a genre where some content can get away half assing things as there isn't fierce competition.
tuubi May 18, 2023
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Quoting: ElectricPrismI picked up Session (the skateboard game) (but not at this sale) ... and unfortunately hated it.

It had too strong angsty juvenile vibes and I didn't care for the quality of the modeling or the controls.
Well here's a decidedly non-angsty skateboard game for you.
hardpenguin May 19, 2023
Quoting: tuubiI did look at Descenders (again), and it still looks fun, but I really don't need more games right now. Gotta work on that backlog.
Get it, friend - it's great!
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