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Heroic Games Launcher 2.7.1 hotfix 1 fixes up Epic Games login

By - | Views: 26,784

Having some troubles with Epic Games on the Heroic Games Launcher? You weren't alone and a new hotfix is out to get it sorted.

For Epic Games, the issue was the captcha not being able to be completed, so 2.7.1 Hotfix #1 should solve that properly now. Some people noticed they were getting a blank screen on loading too, that should also be solved. Plus a problem with the Add Game blocking the Finish button was also fixed.

Giving it a run today and the Epic Login with captcha worked just fine!

They've also added some keyboard shortcuts now too:

  • Command Or Control+R: Reloads the app.
  • Command Or Control+Q: Quits the app.
  • Command Or Control+Shift+I: Opens the dev tools.
  • Command Or Control+K: Opens the Heroic settings screen on the frontend.
  • Command Or Control+L: Opens the library screen.
  • Command Or Control+J: Opens the downloads screen.

Full changelog:

Great to see such an essential app keep getting better. Really is the simplest way to install games from Epic Games and GOG on Linux and Steam Deck.

See more about Heroic on the official site.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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1 comment

Phlebiac May 4, 2023
I noticed yesterday that the Epic login wasn't working / failing on the captcha, but the alternative login method worked. Today, after updating to the new version, it said I was still logged into Epic, but wouldn't show anything in the library until I logged out and logged in with the captcha.
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