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Reus 2 announced letting you shape humanity again

By - | Views: 16,478

Abbey Games are back and they're making a sequel to Reus, their god game from 2013 where you play as giant beings in control of shaping planets in Reus 2. This time they're being published by Firesquid Games.

"As humanity evolves, learns, and reaches for the stars, it will be entirely up to you to help them uncover both the best and worst of their destinies. Choose to foster and shape human aspirations by helping them achieve their goals or pave a more difficult road. Don’t like what you’ve built or being threatened by an angry, nuclear-armed population? You can always start a new humanity." — Abbey Games

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Game Features:

  • Control Giants: Step into the shoes of powerful giants as they shape planets. Foster or punish the development of human societies. The choice is yours.
  • Experiment with Natural Resources: Using different combinations of flora and fauna makes for new discoveries which will change the human societies that inhabit that world.
  • Observe and Define Your Own Goals: Shape the development of humanity and watch as their societies evolve from a primitive tribes into advanced civilizations. Whether they are obsessed space explorers or self-destructive warmongers, who are you to judge their choices?
  • Leave a Lasting Legacy: Each playthrough leaves a lasting legacy in the stars - and inspires new paths to take.

In regards to Linux desktop and Steam Deck support, I spoke with the developer and they said this:

We're actively seeking to support Steamdeck, since the game would be perfect for it! We're also always looking to support general Linux to the best of our abilities, but since we have no native Linux users, it's always hard to make promises there.

You can follow it on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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ShabbyX May 13, 2023
> but since we have no native Linux users

I hope that's a typo and they meant "developers". Of course you don't have native Linux users if you don't have a native Linux build, what kind of an argument is that?!
dpanter May 13, 2023
The endless mutations, evolutions, synergies, boost, buffs whathaveyou put me off the first game. It was just too much fiddling that it couldn't keep my interest. Really like the concept and art style but I don't have the energy to deal with it. Maybe the sequel improves this aspect.
Liam Dawe May 13, 2023
Quoting: ShabbyX> but since we have no native Linux users

I hope that's a typo and they meant "developers". Of course you don't have native Linux users if you don't have a native Linux build, what kind of an argument is that?!
I think you’re getting too hung up on a single word. They mean developers of course.
anewson May 13, 2023
yeah they meant "we don't have any Linux users [on our team]"

anyway I really loved Reus the first time I played it; great for people that liked Triple Town and the like. I admit it didn't hold my attention on sebsequent installs. Will definitely pick up the sequel.
ShabbyX May 13, 2023
Quoting: anewsonwe don't have any Linux users [on our team]

Yes, that would have been obvious if they didn't say that they don't have any "native" Linux users.

We say native Linux vs not for what the game _target_ is, I'd never heard anyone call their development OS native.
emphy May 15, 2023
Quoting: ShabbyX
Quoting: anewsonwe don't have any Linux users [on our team]

Yes, that would have been obvious if they didn't say that they don't have any "native" Linux users.

We say native Linux vs not for what the game _target_ is, I'd never heard anyone call their development OS native.

Since we're likely talking about a non-native English speaker, I'll forgive them their lapse.

(sorry, couldn't resist)

Also, it seems that the first Reus does have a native linux version. I'll be checking how it runs.

Edit: steam version running fine here. Small fonts may be problematic on smaller screens, though.

Last edited by emphy on 15 May 2023 at 3:18 am UTC
hardpenguin May 16, 2023
Awwww yiss another Abbey Games hit 🙏
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