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Up for some multiplayer gaming? Humble Bundle has a May Multiplayer Madness bundle up, so here's what to expect from it on desktop Linux and Steam Deck. Giving you ratings for Deck Verified, ProtonDB and any that have Native Linux builds available.

Here's what you can get:

Borderlands 3

  • steam deck verified Steam Deck Playable
  • ProtonDB Gold

Generation Zero

  • steam deck verified Steam Deck Verified
  • ProtonDB Gold


  • steam deck verified Steam Deck Playable
  • Native Linux

PULSAR: Lost Colony

  • steam deck verified Steam Deck Playable
  • Native Linux

Gloria Victis

  • steam deck verified Steam Deck Playable
  • ProtonDB Gold

Midnight Ghost Hunt

  • steam deck verified Steam Deck Unsupported
  • ProtonDB Silver

Has anti-cheat issues

Destiny 2 Beyond Light

  • steam deck verified Steam Deck Unsupported
  • ProtonDB Broken

Has anti-cheat issues

So if any of that interests you go check out the bundle.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
About the author -
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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eldaking May 18, 2023
That is a weird collection, a bunch of games whose trait in common is "has multiplayer".
Eri May 18, 2023
Is Generation Zero still very buggy? I tried it when it came out on GamePass and my friend and I had to stop playing because the save was completly corrupted after 2 weeks.
dpanter May 18, 2023
Development has stopped for Generation Zero and they did not fix all bugs. Playable is as far as I'll go.
Eri May 18, 2023
Quoting: dpanterDevelopment has stopped for Generation Zero and they did not fix all bugs. Playable is as far as I'll go.
Darn it! That game had potential.
kadac00 May 18, 2023
For a bundle called "Multiplayer" I was only able to order for myself and gift for two friends before maxing out the number of orders I could place.
FSFmember May 23, 2023
Quoting: kadac00For a bundle called "Multiplayer" I was only able to order for myself and gift for two friends before maxing out the number of orders I could place.

The what now? Can you elaborate please? Genuinely interested on what happened here. Do they place a limit on the number of times you can buy their bundle, or?
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