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AirJet from Frore Systems could be great cooling for a Steam Deck 2

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If there's one thing I truly want from a Steam Deck 2 aside from the usual performance related upgrades, it would be better cooling and less noise. Perhaps the new AirJet from Frore Systems is what Valve could use.

What is it? According to Frore Systems the AirJet is a "fully self-contained active heat sink module, which is silent, thin, and light". This was revealed a little while ago at CES but interest in it is heating up again now, as they've revealed the first system coming with it in the ZOTAC ZBOX PI430AJ.

They're targeting many different types of devices including handheld gaming like the Steam Deck. Quite an exciting idea to have more space for other things since it's so small, a smaller slot would be needed for the intake and vent so less of your snack crumbs and dust would get in, reduced heat and being a whole lot quieter overall too. Although, it would push prices a bit no doubt.

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Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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InhaleOblivion Jun 1, 2023
This definitely would be a great addition to the Steam Deck 2. Honestly I like that they showcased how it would currently work in a modded Steam Deck.
Arehandoro Jun 1, 2023
I'd be happy to install this on my current Steam Deck, or having someone with fewer sausages as fingers than me doing it. Particularly if a bigger sized battery can also be installed like in the showcase.
CAVR Jun 1, 2023
They're pitching their product to Valve pretty hard in that video... Haha
Sounds like a very cool tech, although kinda pricey, but would be nice to see it in a Steam Deck 2.
lejimster Jun 1, 2023
It depends on a lot of things. If Valve decide to stick to a Max of 15w this solid state solution would be perfect. However if they want to have something that's more powerful when docked...

We are on the edge of some breakthroughs in technology though. With new battery technology that is about to go into mass production it will be more than possible to have double the power for less weight.

Last edited by lejimster on 1 June 2023 at 12:38 pm UTC
M@GOid Jun 1, 2023
This company gathered a lot of good will for them in the tech community. Everyone and their grandmother want them to succeed.

But they better lower their early expectations of profits. History is full of breakthrough products that failed to gain traction, because they cost too much compared to proven solutions.

Right now cooling fans are mass produced and dirt cheap. While this has its advantages, some manufacturers may find it prohibitive to implement if it raises the end price too much. So it is possible, for example, that this ends up in a Steam Deck competitor that cost over 1000 dollars, because Valve may find it too costly to implement in a 400 bucks base model Steam Deck.
QYME Jun 1, 2023
After watching Linus Techs Tips about that device, i kind of expect them to do a steamdeck mod in a follow up video in the month to come as a proof of concept. After what they did with massive heatsinkks on it last summer, it would be weird to not see them try.

Anyway, i really hope Frore System succeed in their endeavor of bringing a cooling revolution to all handheld and small devices.
kaktuspalme Jun 1, 2023
When I saw the video about it on Linus Tech Tips I immediately thought about the Steam Deck. I think that would be very cool. Would be cool if someone or the company releases a mod for the current Steam Deck.
elmapul Jun 1, 2023
valve already said they dont plan to relase steamdeck 2 any time soon, and i doubt they will introduce something that can make an significant difference in performance for the first gen...
but the competition will, the competition have no reason to not relase many products in this mean time, even if asus dont do that, we dont know how many other companies will try to enter this market, that is troublesome for the deck and steamOS as an result.
miltoid19 Jun 1, 2023
I must agree that the AirJet would be ideal in the steam deck, but my understanding is that at least for the near future the AirJet is targeted at premium models since the cost (at least for now) is quite high and this contradicts Valves' way of trying to keep the price low... Referring to the Quote “painful to hit” requiring the margins.
Matombo Jun 1, 2023
SteamDeck Pro when?
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