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Character-driven tactical RPG 'Arcadian Atlas' releasing July 27th

By - | Views: 20,536

If you love your turn-based tactical RPGs with an interesting story to follow, anything perhaps like Final Fantasy Tactics and the like you'll want to take a look at Arcadian Atlas. The team just recently announced that it's going to release on July 27th, this is along with Native Linux support following their Kickstarter back in 2016.

"Watch your back in the world of Arcadia, where a kingdom is tearing itself apart and forces more dark and ancient than the soil are about to awaken. Experience deep tactical battles across vast and treacherous landscapes as you build an army of powerful troops, customizing their classes and skills to gain every advantage against monsters, ruthless men, a daughter scorned, and a queen so cruel she’d kill her own husband to gain the throne."

They announced this along with a new very brief teaser trailer:

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More about it: "Play as two lovers brought together by war and torn between the queen they’ve sworn fealty to and the charismatic illegitimate daughter who’s risen up to take back a throne denied her—civil war threatening to engulf the destitute and desperate as battle lines are drawn and swords unsheathed. And amidst it all, a young girl caged behind castle walls her entire life stumbles upon the Atlas, a power she cannot hope to contain. With the help of a roguish magician she’ll uncover the forces that built the world, but can she control them? Or will they engulf her and the very world you’re trying to save."

Sounds really interesting, can't wait to see what the finished product is like. Nice to see more crowdfunded projects bear fruit. If it has good controller support it could be another sweet game to play in bed with the Steam Deck too.

You can follow it on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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QYME Jul 5, 2023
*Add to wishlist.*

It looks good, i might have to try it at some point. I realy need to clear my Final Fantasy and Shin Megami Tensei backlog first though...
Raaben Jul 5, 2023
Oh I missed this one until now. Looks pretty interesting! I agree with the Deck in bed part too, this one looks prime for lazy days.
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