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Get a bunch of cyberpunk games in this latest bundle

By - | Views: 25,440

Love the whole cyberpunk theme? Humble have put up the Cyberpunk Playground bundle. Here's what to expect for compatibility on Steam Deck and desktop Linux.

Using the usual rating system of Deck Verified, ProtonDB and Native Linux notes to save you clicking around. Each game title is also a Steam link in case you need more info first. 

ANNO: Mutationem

  • steam deck verified Deck Verified
  • ProtonDB Gold


  • steam deck verified Deck Verified
  • ProtonDB Gold

Observer: System Redux

  • steam deck verified Deck Verified
  • ProtonDB Platinum

Gungrave G.O.R.E

  • steam deck verified Deck Verified
  • ProtonDB Gold


  • steam deck playable Deck Playable
  • ProtonDB Platinum

+ 40% off Ghostrunner - Project_Hel

Severed Steel

  • steam deck playable Deck Playable
  • ProtonDB Platinum

Voltage High Society

  • steam deck not rated No Ratings 

Check out the full bundle here if you want to grab it.

Overall pretty great compatibility there and some good choices too.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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yokem55 Jul 12, 2023
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Does anyone know if the new Observer fixes the motion sickness the old one seemed to give a lot of people?
Grogan Jul 12, 2023
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Cloudpunk is surprisingly good. I'm not a fan of those voxel art graphics, but flying through the city is very colourful and pleasing. The buildings etc. look pretty good and the vehicle is nice to control. While the in-game characters look terrible (like bad minecraft lego people or something), the faces and the com channel dialog are pretty good and it has a story that made me want to continue, the missions/deliveries were somewhat interesting and the characters have character.

P.S. Note that I have a VERY low tolerance for crap. They did very well to make me like such a game.

Last edited by Grogan on 12 July 2023 at 8:32 pm UTC
dpanter Jul 12, 2023
Quoting: yokem55Does anyone know if the new Observer fixes the motion sickness the old one seemed to give a lot of people?

It's less grimy and dark since they changed the overall art direction, the brighter and cleaner environment helps out, plus there's now a FOV slider in the settings. I can't say more than it's potentially better but there's no single answer for motion sickness. I never had any issues with the original version myself, but I have never seen or heard of another game that caused so much agony for so many people. Only one way to find out, I'm afraid.
mark348 Jul 12, 2023
I recommend Ghostrunner very much. Super fun and fast paced game.
junibegood Jul 13, 2023
QuoteANNO: Mutationem

When I read that name, I thought it was a new city builder in the Anno series, set in a cyberpunk universe.

They are taking a big risk using that name. "Anno" is probably a trademark, and I wouldn't blame Ubisoft is they sued the developer. That series has been around for decades, they can't pretend they had never heard of it...
Xpander Jul 13, 2023
Quoting: yokem55Does anyone know if the new Observer fixes the motion sickness the old one seemed to give a lot of people?

What gave the motion sickness to you exactly?
I personally played it at launch and after tweaking the ini files to increase the FoV,disable the idiotic chromatic abberation, disable depth of field and remove the 63 fps cap, it was pretty ok to play and i quite enjoyed it. Played the native linux build and back near the launch, so things might have changed a lot since.
Or was there some weird HeadBobbing issue?

Last edited by Xpander on 13 July 2023 at 2:09 pm UTC
Belaptir Jul 13, 2023
Quoting: junibegood
QuoteANNO: Mutationem

When I read that name, I thought it was a new city builder in the Anno series, set in a cyberpunk universe.

They are taking a big risk using that name. "Anno" is probably a trademark, and I wouldn't blame Ubisoft is they sued the developer. That series has been around for decades, they can't pretend they had never heard of it...

Anno is Italian word for year. You can't trademark a common use word like that.
Klaas Jul 13, 2023
Quoting: BelaptirAnno is Italian word for year. You can't trademark a common use word like that.
You'd think that… I'd think that… But somehow someone could trademark the common use words windows, word, scrolls, etc. and managed to keep those trademarks.
yokem55 Jul 13, 2023
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Quoting: Xpander
Quoting: yokem55Does anyone know if the new Observer fixes the motion sickness the old one seemed to give a lot of people?

What gave the motion sickness to you exactly?
I personally played it at launch and after tweaking the ini files to increase the FoV,disable the idiotic chromatic abberation, disable depth of field and remove the 63 fps cap, it was pretty ok to play and i quite enjoyed it. Played the native linux build and back near the launch, so things might have changed a lot since.
Or was there some weird HeadBobbing issue?

I'm honestly not sure. Probably the combo of the fov, view bobbing and the prevelance of strobing lighting effects. I just know I couldn't put more than half an hour into the game without feeling terrible. I did try fixign the FOV, and it helped some, but having that kind of feeling around what should just be fun entertainment kind of kept me from pursuing it further.
Klaas Jul 13, 2023
Quoting: yokem55combo of the fov, view bobbing
For me it mostly that. And motion blur makes it worse.

Dead Island Riptide without the mod is very bad in the first chapter with the added view sway to simulate a ship in heavy sea.
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