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NVIDIA has announced another game to use NVIDIA RTX Remix to add in full Ray Tracing, this time it's a mod for the original Portal with Portal: Prelude RTX. Portal: Prelude is the highest rated mod for the original Portal and back in 2008 it came number 3 on Mod DB's Mod of the Year contest. To play it free, you need to own the original Portal.

With the new refreshed Steam release it comes with Ray Tracing, DLSS3, Reflex and the newly launched NVIDIA RTX IO. The announcement also mentions it features "hundreds of new, fully upgraded materials and assets from David “Kralich” Driver-Gomm and Valerios “Fearell_Val” Tsoumpas, new voice acting by Jack “Amicus” McDade and Colin “SordidSpectacle” Zachariasen, and gameplay improvements from Nicolas".

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Portal: Prelude RTX features

  • Nineteen challenging new test chambers, many improved from the original mod's release.
  • A total graphical overhaul of the game's lighting and assets, powered by RTX Remix in partnership with NVIDIA.
  • A cast of several fully-voice acted characters compared to the robotic voices of the original.
  • A dramatic origin story for one of the most iconic villains and settings in gaming.
  • An experience created by modders, helmed by modders, and released for fans of Portal to test their mettle.

At least to make it run with my NVIDIA GPU with Proton I needed to use this as a launch option in the Properties menu for the game: PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 %command%

Otherwise the game wouldn't launch at all, so try that if you also see the same.

You can find it on Steam.

NVIDIA continue upgrading RTX Remix too with full support for skinned characters. So now RTX Remix will allow modders "to add more than 100 times the polygonal detail to characters, in addition to high fidelity PBR textures, with minimal performance costs". There's various other RTX Remix improvements you can read about here.

Another big announcement is NVIDIA RTX IO:

NVIDIA RTX IO leverages the advanced architectures of GeForce GPUs to offload dozens of CPU cores’ worth of work to your GPU, enabling faster game loading, and opening the door to a new era of large, incredibly detailed open world games. RTX IO is based on GDeflate, an open GPU compression standard contributed by NVIDIA, which is utilized by both Microsoft’s DirectStorage and new Vulkan Extensions.   

Nice to see Vulkan being properly supported with it. NVIDIA announced that RTX IO will also be in the upcoming Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart launching on July 26th.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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MayeulC Jul 19, 2023
I really liked this mod, the puzzles are quite hard.
TheRiddick Jul 19, 2023
Still waiting for NVIDIA to bring Frame Gen and perhaps some solution for reflex to Linux. I know there is LatencyFlex but NVIDIA should just integrate their own solution for Linux.
lejimster Jul 19, 2023
Are all these RTX remasters Nvidia only or can they be played on AMD and Intel GPU's? Portal is up there with some of my fav games.
dpanter Jul 19, 2023
Uhh... Nvidia announces RTX IO again. How many years has it been? Three? Ah yes, September 2020... it's still actually DirectStorage.

Just Nvidia trying to brand something as their own invention again, forcibly tying it into their proprietary portfolio like everything else they do.
Ehvis Jul 19, 2023
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Quoting: lejimsterAre all these RTX remasters Nvidia only or can they be played on AMD and Intel GPU's? Portal is up there with some of my fav games.

IIRC, Portal RTX required Vulkan Raytracing. So worked on everything that supported that. But especially on Linux, only nvidia is fast enough to make it playable.

On my 2080Ti I got 15-20 fps @3440x1440 without upscaling. To make that playable I needed to crank up DLSS so high that it started looking pretty dreadful. So might be ok on 1080p, but above that you'll suffer. May have a look at this one, but I'm not expecting any miracles.
Phlebiac Jul 20, 2023
Steam reviews don't seem to be very favorable; some of it seems to be "ray tracing makes it too slow" but others seem to be complaining about the puzzles / gameplay, which seems odd if the original mod was so highly rated?
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