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Happy Debian Day - going 30 years strong

By - | Views: 29,167

Today is Debian Day and it's quite a special one, because the Debian Project has now been going for 30 years which is a very impressive milestone.

It's hard to imagine what the world would be without the likes of Debian. Think of all the things we wouldn't have! Not only is Debian a popular Linux distribution itself but it's also the foundation for Ubuntu and so all the rebuilds like Linux Mint and a great many more. Heck, even the original SteamOS was based on Debian (it's now using Arch as a base).

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Officially founded by Ian Murdock on August 16th, 1993 with this classic announcement — how time flies huh? This might make some readers feel old: I was only 5 years old when that announcement was made. Even during my 35 years I've seen the Linux desktop and Linux gaming go through many huge changes.

Here's to the next 30 years of a wonderful Linux distribution, may it have many more. And a big thank you to all developers working hard to ensure it's working well.

Feel free to get all nostalgic and share your stories in the comments.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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dpanter Aug 16, 2023
Debian rocks!
hardpenguin Aug 16, 2023
Happy Debian Day!
logge Aug 16, 2023
Yay! Just the best in the next 60 years!

Ah, these were the times were you were able to print out the whole net! I really feel old, this was when I was already 18....
Avehicle7887 Aug 16, 2023
Still my fav distro to date. I remember trying Debian 7 many years ago when I was distro hopping and wondering how to get mp3 files to play.
Pengling Aug 16, 2023
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QuoteThis might make some readers feel old: I was only 5 years old when that announcement was made. Even during my 35 years I've seen the Linux desktop and Linux gaming go through many huge changes.
I was about 10, but I wouldn't learn of Linux until I was 16 or 17.

I've always clicked the best with Debian-derived distros, so Happy Debian Day! I'm grateful for all that it's brought us.

Last edited by Pengling on 16 August 2023 at 12:11 pm UTC
whizse Aug 16, 2023
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I'm just glad the Toy Story franchise is still alive, or there would be no new Debian releases!
WorMzy Aug 16, 2023
Awesome distro. Still my go-to distro for my personal webservers where stability and security updates are paramount.

Happy birthday, Debian!
Arehandoro Aug 16, 2023
I have fedora on my gaming machine and laptop, but my servers are Debian :) Happy birthday!
Electrical_Channel Aug 16, 2023
(it's 2006, I'm in college and I get my teacher unpacking a box full of Ubuntu's cd-rom)
*Me: Oh nice! Is this the new distro ppl are talking about?
*My teacher: It's not a distro, it's just a Debian's spin.
Linux_Rocks Aug 16, 2023
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