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Overwatch 2 out on Steam - works fine on Steam Deck and desktop Linux

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Overwatch 2 from Blizzard has now launched on Steam and thanks to that, it's super simple to get it working on Steam Deck and desktop Linux. Although Steam Deck players will want to change the Proton version.

Valve updated Proton Experimental back on July 8th, which included a fix for "Overwatch 2 stopping to register controller inputs after an online match has started". So a big problem on Steam Deck but not so much if you're using a mouse on desktop Linux but for best experience right now just switch to Proton Experimental.

When loading for the first time, you will be greeted by the below screen since you do need a Battle.Net account. No fuss though, entering the code into a browser, and it will then link up with your Steam account. Absolutely no issue there, and no need for Battle.Net itself. Much cleaner than how some others are doing it like EA, Ubisoft and others.

Once you link up an account, Blizzard note you cannot link a different Steam account for 1 year.

Until Valve builds up a shader cache and has it ready to download though, expect to see plenty of stuttering which Overwatch 2 has been notorious for in the past with Proton / Wine. After a little while of playing, it will get a lot smoother on Steam Deck and desktop Linux.

Two shots of it running great on Steam Deck on Medium Graphics Preset (click them to enlarge):

Running just as expected on desktop Linux too (Kubuntu 23.04) on Ultra Graphics Preset:

Not a whole lot extra to say really. It's not a new game, it's technically been out and playable on both desktop Linux and Steam Deck by just using the Battle.Net launcher with Wine or directly inside Steam with Proton. It works the same as before, it's just a lot easier now.

Interestingly, the user reviews on Steam are not looking good for it. Very quickly after release it hit a Mostly Negative score. Players haven't been happy with Overwatch 2 for some time now so that's not really a big surprise considering how Blizzard handled it with cutting planned content.

Find Overwatch 2 free to play on Steam.

Their new trailer is below:

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Smellbringer Aug 10, 2023
I'm not shocked Overwatch 2 is being raked over the coals, people have been pissed for a while now.
Sakuretsu Aug 10, 2023
Yet another great addition to my ignored games list.
pazzoeo Aug 10, 2023
I'm sad that it's getting review bombed so hard, I genuinely think it's a good game, and this new update is awesome. I especially don't get why people are STILL mad about PvE, like it's literally there now, they added it
jazztickets Aug 11, 2023
Quote..but not so much if you're using a mouse on desktop Linux
Actually, Proton experimental fixed a bug where the mouse wasn't being "grabbed" at the start of match (or after respawning). You would have to alt-tab out/in again to fix it.
BTRE Aug 11, 2023
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  • Contributing Editor
Haven't played a Blizzard game in a decade and a half but curiosity (and the price of free) got the better of me. Runs well and haven't seen any stutter (probably due to Mesa's GPL) and the couple of matches I played were engaging enough. I could see myself casually playing this from time to time, especially with friends. That said, I'm too old and my free time is too much of a premium to ever care about battle passes and seasons or, for that matter, heroes, skins, and all that other shiny stuff

Last edited by BTRE on 11 August 2023 at 12:58 am UTC
christofin Aug 11, 2023
Quoting: pazzoeoI'm sad that it's getting review bombed so hard, I genuinely think it's a good game, and this new update is awesome. I especially don't get why people are STILL mad about PvE, like it's literally there now, they added it

I am too. It's a genuinely great Steam release with nothing that makes it a hassle to run. Overwatch 2 is also a great game. Some of the Steam reviews are embarrassing, making sickening rape jokes and are just a general toxic cesspit. Valve really needs to strap on some Hazmat suits and clean up their community.
Belaptir Aug 11, 2023
I never take part in review bombings, and like in other games, I didn't reviewed this one either.

With that said, I can't in good faith recommend this game. I'm not gonna talk about the rape jokes and all the other cesspool comments, but still, it's undeniable that the game is being managed awfully by Blizzard.
Not only the cut content and how they acted about it, but battle passes with characters locked behind it (or behind paywalls), 20$ skins, 15$ coop missions... I don't feel like the game nor the company deserve my time or money.
yorikkk Aug 11, 2023
All (14,775)
Positive (3,016)
Negative (11,759)

furfy Aug 11, 2023
I really do dislike the way how Steam users are reacting to the release, I hope we won't get a response from the Microsoft/Blizzard about Steam being a bad practice and no more games.
Don't care about the Overwatch tbh, at least there is no launcher required to play.
shimmy Aug 11, 2023
Hats off to Blizzard for making the integration so smooth. I didn't even realise there will buch such screen, since I connected the two accounts in advance.
Honestly, EA has allowed connecting their account on Stadia and prolly does the same for console games. But on PC we get all those funky launchers. What's the point?

That aside, I'm super happy to have OW2 on Steam. Bottles are great, but there's nothing better than installing it directly. Also I feel like I'm getting better performance while using the same GE-Proton. 4K High - 300+ FPS. Freaking amazing.

As for shader compilation: I remember having such issues couple of years back, waiting couple of minutes for this to finish and game be playable. But now, even if there's initial or ongoing compilation I see no drops or issues.
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