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Roblox support is coming back to Wine on Linux

By - | Views: 46,461

Good news for Roblox fans, as the game will soon start working in Wine again as the developers have been working to update it since the big breakage with the new client.

A few days ago on their developer forum, one of their staff members replied (you have to be signed in to read) noting "shoutout to the Grapejuice community - this one is for you". Grapejuice being a tool that configures Wine and Roblox together. The staff member also included a screenshot of Roblox running on Manjaro Linux:

Roblox has multiple version channels, and it seems you're actually able to play it right now with Wine on the "zintegration" or "zcanary" channel. Although you should really wait until it rolls out properly, because switching around channels can cause all sorts of issues (like getting stuck on a particular channel) because it's all in testing.

That same staff member did also note that "There will be an official announcement regarding unofficial support for Wine. As for an ETA, let’s just say soon™."

Just for science, testing it myself it does indeed work again when testing using the zcanary channel with the Vinegar wrapper for Roblox and Wine:

Pictured - BIG Paintball in Roblox on Kubuntu

Pictured - Pet Simulator in Roblox on Kubuntu

If you really want to try it out, again I wouldn't suggest so (really just wait until it hits stable Roblox), but it is possible if you use Vinegar linked above. You will need to switch it over to the zcanary update branch and use Vulkan, which you can do via this in terminal:

mkdir -p ~/.var/app/io.github.vinegarhq.Vinegar/config/vinegar/ && { echo "[player]"; echo "dxvk = false"; echo "renderer = \"Vulkan\""; echo "channel = \"zcanary\""; } >> ~/.var/app/io.github.vinegarhq.Vinegar/config/vinegar/config.toml

After that you'll be able to just login on the website, and run games or use the Vinegar Roblox App it gives you.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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hardpenguin Aug 22, 2023
Neat. One of the most popular video games in the world after all.
toxicdance12 Aug 22, 2023
It's very cool
StalePopcorn Aug 22, 2023
I'm not going to get my kids' hopes up by telling them now… but when it's released they'll be ecstatic.
toxicdance12 Aug 22, 2023
Quoting: StalePopcornI'm not going to get my kids' hopes up by telling them now… but when it's released they'll be ecstatic.
You are the best father or mother
Kohrias Aug 22, 2023
<sarcasm>How very kind of the Roblox developers.</sarcasm>

The Roblox developers contributed nothing at all to a Linux version in the first place. And after the grapejuice community figured out how to run the game with wine the Roblox developers actively blocked Linux for no reason.

After half a year they lift the block now. While I am happy to see this I have a hard time to be grateful.

Last edited by Kohrias on 22 August 2023 at 6:51 pm UTC
Klaas Aug 22, 2023
Quoting: KohriasAfter half a year they lift the block now. While I am happy to see this I have a hard time to be grateful.
Be careful. We'll get other news sites publishing stories how Linux users are so ungrateful that they aren't celebrating that a company stops punishing them.
Gecked Aug 22, 2023
Quoting: Kohrias<sarcasm>How very kind of the Roblox developers.</sarcasm>

The Roblox developers contributed nothing at all to a Linux version in the first place. And after the grapejuice community figured out how to run the game with wine the Roblox developers actively blocked Linux for no reason.

After half a year they lift the block now. While I am happy to see this I have a hard time to be grateful.

People are grateful because how many other devs do this? Most devs either don't touch Linux, or ban it and then never lift said ban.
Purple Library Guy Aug 22, 2023
Quoting: Gecked
Quoting: Kohrias<sarcasm>How very kind of the Roblox developers.</sarcasm>

The Roblox developers contributed nothing at all to a Linux version in the first place. And after the grapejuice community figured out how to run the game with wine the Roblox developers actively blocked Linux for no reason.

After half a year they lift the block now. While I am happy to see this I have a hard time to be grateful.

People are grateful because how many other devs do this? Most devs either don't touch Linux, or ban it and then never lift said ban.
Most just don't touch it, which doesn't matter much these days. You gotta admit noticing us just enough to actively mess with us is worse.
fenglengshun Aug 23, 2023
Yeah, there was something to their language about Linux support that made me have hopium that they weren't lying... and for once, they weren't. Feels weird given all the lies in gaming industry and Linux supports.
Pengling Aug 23, 2023
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Quoting: KohriasThe Roblox developers contributed nothing at all to a Linux version in the first place. And after the grapejuice community figured out how to run the game with wine the Roblox developers actively blocked Linux for no reason.
And if I'm remembering correctly, they never blocked the game-creation tools through which they make their money - just the ability to play the game itself.
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