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Originally called Setris until a DMCA from Tetris Holding, LLC appeared, Sandtrix is now getting a Sandtrix+ treatment with a full Steam release coming on September 1st.

This is an expanded version of the original freeware title that will include challenging colour modes, unlockable themes and a creative sandbox mode. The basics are all the same with falling shapes turning into sand. This will have 3 game modes, 3 difficulty settings, high scores, combos and with Sandtrix+ you get:

  • Sandtrix+: 4 Color Modes
  • Sandtrix+: 12 Unlockable Themes
  • Sandtrix+: Bonus Sandbox Mode

Check out the trailer:

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A lovely little time-waster, taking the basic idea from Tetris but making it a whole lot more interesting and it's really quite challenging due to how the blocks turn into sand. Give it a go!

You can follow it on Steam and play the original free.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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QYME Aug 16, 2023
Another glorious AAA for my steamdeck 8)

I have the freeware in my desktop, right beside all my emulators. The game is fun but it really would be better played on my deck in gaming mode.

Glad to see it coming to steam.
Pengling Aug 16, 2023
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I'll happily support this - wishlisted.
rcrit Aug 16, 2023
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I donated $2 for the "free" version to reward the trippy way the sand flows. It's a pretty fun game and I'm terrible enough at it that it's a quick thing to do in between other stuff. I guess I'll wishlist the Steam version too though I doubt I'd ever get what is called a "high" score :-)
Mountain Man Aug 17, 2023
I thought this game was just a novelty, but it's surprisingly challenging.
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