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Tempest Rising brings back memories of Command & Conquer

By - | Views: 25,885

Tempest Rising is an upcoming base-building RTS from Slipgate Ironworks and 2B Games with publishing via THQ Nordic and 3D Realms and a first playable preview is out with the first GDF mission.

Playable on desktop Linux with Proton Experimental, the experience was close to flawless. Which is massively exciting to me after growing up playing Dune 2, Command & Conquer, Red Alert and the later games. Tempest Rising is unabashedly taking a ton of inspiration from Command & Conquer but it's all a bit more modern looking and feeling.

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On my desktop with Kubuntu, Ryzen 5800x and Radeon RX 6800 XT it worked great. Well above 60FPS at 2560x1440 resolution on the highest settings. The only slight issue I saw was the commander in the mission intro video lip syncing being clearly off with the speech, which is not clear if it's a game issue or a Proton issue.

If you're like me and love your RTS games though, it seems like this is one to keep a close eye on and you can try the initial mission preview until August 28th.

Screenshots below of it on desktop on Epic settings:

Also playable on Steam Deck, although their advertised "Full controller support" doesn't yet seem to be enabled, so setting it to keyboard and mouse in Steam Input worked. You'll also want it on Low details, as on Medium there's a fair amount of drops.

Steam Deck screenshots. First shot on Medium, second on Low:

They have a lot to live up to with this game with the absolutely clear C&C inspiration. There's not a whole lot to go on from one mission but it's certainly tickled my fancy here. Lots of fun details in the environments, and the mixture of abilities your units have should be fun in the expanded game.

At release it will be available on Humble Store and Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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ahoneybun Aug 16, 2023
The music is in the trailer is amazing as well! I'm looking forward to this one!
anewson Aug 16, 2023
Quoting: ahoneybunThe music is in the trailer is amazing as well! I'm looking forward to this one!
haha I was also impressed with the music. The cutscenes not so much.
Naib Aug 16, 2023
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WHY!!!! Why do you do this to me Liam!

/me wishlists and puts away some funds
Kuduzkehpan Aug 16, 2023
Quoting: NaibWHY!!!! Why do you do this to me Liam!

/me wishlists and puts away some funds

You can join playtest via steam page of tempest rising.

Very playable. runs out of the box in manjaro linux
proton-ge 8.11

however its good game it feels just red alert 3 with modified sage2.0 engine, classic C&C rts game with Nato vs Warsow even some units are copy from modern armies. (juggernaut units from Russia) (abraham tanks from USA)
easly fills the gap of cnc games on linux.
pete910 Aug 16, 2023
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Quoting: anewson
Quoting: ahoneybunThe music is in the trailer is amazing as well! I'm looking forward to this one!
haha I was also impressed with the music. The cutscenes not so much.

Me too, none of that hiphop rap crap (that'll upset a few)

Quoting: Kuduzkehpan
Quoting: NaibWHY!!!! Why do you do this to me Liam!

/me wishlists and puts away some funds

You can join playtest via steam page of tempest rising.

Very playable. runs out of the box in manjaro linux
proton-ge 8.11

however its good game it feels just red alert 3 with modified sage2.0 engine, classic C&C rts game with Nato vs Warsow even some units are copy from modern armies. (juggernaut units from Russia) (abraham tanks from USA)
easly fills the gap of cnc games on linux.

Seems to run fine though i did cap frame rate as 3400 fps in the menu was taking the *****

Only thing you do need Proton-GE as default it just crashes part way through the campaign start.

Is there likely to be a native version @Liam do you know?

Also when did you get a 5800x and a 6800xt? Could have sworn you was Intel/Nvidia
Guess I've missed more than I thought !
ElectricPrism Aug 17, 2023
I don't usually get excited but this looks pretty amazing.

I'll try to hold my hype. If this turns out to be half what I think it could be I'll be a very happy player.
IntelligentGaming Aug 17, 2023
Seriously cannot wait :)
Liam Dawe Aug 17, 2023
Quoting: pete910Only thing you do need Proton-GE as default it just crashes part way through the campaign start.
Proton Experimental was fine for me.

Quoting: pete910Is there likely to be a native version @Liam do you know?
Not that I am aware of.

Quoting: pete910Also when did you get a 5800x and a 6800xt? Could have sworn you was Intel/Nvidia
The AMD CPU was quite a while ago :), the AMD GPU was just in the last week thanks to Samsai :)
vox Aug 18, 2023
Very good looking trailer! The Meshuggah-esque djent bass line near the end was unexpected but very refreshing. Keep an eye on the composer!
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