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Fanatical has a new charity Into Games Bundle live, with a fun selection of games and with all proceeds going towards the UK's leading national non-profit for skills and careers in games. Seems like quite an interesting choice to help fund, while also getting something back.

More about them: "Into Games was launched in 2019 to connect the dots between education and industry, making a career in the video games sector more accessible to young people in the UK, no matter their background."

Using the usual rating system of Deck Verified, ProtonDB and Native Linux notes to save you clicking around. Each game title is also a Steam link in case you need more info first. It's $7.99 / €7.99 / £7.99 for the full bundle this time.

Evil Genius 2: World Domination

  • steam deck verified Deck Verified
  • ProtonDB Silver


  • steam deck verified Deck Verified
  • ProtonDB Gold

West of Dead

  • steam deck verified Deck Verified
  • ProtonDB Platinum


  • steam deck verified Deck Verified
  • ProtonDB Gold


  • steam deck verified Deck Verified
  • Linux Native

Arcade Spirits

  • steam deck playable Deck Playable
  • Linux Native

Attack of the Earthlings

  • No Deck Rating
  • Linux Native


  • steam deck playable Deck Playable
  • ProtonDB Platinum

The Assembly

  • steam deck verified Deck Verified
  • No ProtonDB Rating

Little Orpheus

  • No Deck Rating
  • ProtonDB Platinum

Tango Fiesta

  • No Ratings

Big Crown: Showdown

  • No Deck Rating
  • ProtonDB Gold

See the full bundle here.

While I am a Fanatical partner, I don't get anything from this bundle since all proceeds go to the charity. Just to be clear.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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