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The third DLC for Old World, a 4x strategy game that came to Steam with Linux support last year (after being Epic exclusive) is getting an Egyptian-themed DLC on October 4th going through 400 years of Egyptian history with a new narrative campaign. I was rather impressed with it when I checked it out originally.

During the story-driven campaign you'll go through the rise and fall of the Kingdom of Kemet (the old name for Egypt) from its initial founding, through its golden age and internal struggles against powerful religious factions, culminating in the Bronze Age collapse and something about "Sea People". With unique mechanics to keep you busy plus this DLC also adds Kingdom of Kush to the sandbox campaign. Overall it sounds like a great addition to the game.

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DLC Features:

  • Unification: Start as a small regional power and establish one of the greatest empires of the old world. Lead Thebes against Hyksos and Kerma to unify Kemet and begin The New Kingdom Period.
  • Dawn of a Golden Age: Expand your domain into the Levant, Libya, and Nubia, dotting the lands with obelisks and building the Temple of Karnak before erecting a Mortuary Temple and immortalizing your name.
  • The Amarna Period: Engage in a unique holy war as you fight to establish the world’s first monotheistic religion – defeat cults of pagan gods and partake in battles of faith and conviction.
  • The Battle of Qadesh: Play as Pharaoh Ramesses the Great and confront the Hittites in the largest chariot battle in the history of the world.
  • Hearts of Kemet: Embrace the concept of Ma’at and seek victory through balance. As the High Priests grow stronger, your goal as Pharaoh Merneptah is to restore a sense of order.
  • The Sea People: The Bronze Age Collapse threatens everything you have built over 300 years - how long will your empire hold against the onslaught of this previously unknown threat?

You can buy the game on Humble Store and Steam. Sadly GOG still doesn't have the Linux version.

The game has Native Linux support and is rated Steam Deck Playable.

Article taken from
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