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Well, that's certainly an article title isn't it. But I mean it. Microsoft, don't you dare touch Valve. You're fat enough already and too big as it is, especially with the Activision purchase clearly about to happen.

"Liam, what's got you all like this?!", I hear you all asking. Well, remember that recent Microsoft leak that showed off a bunch of potential game releases? There was a lot more to the leak overall you see, and some of it a little disturbing for the industry. In an email from Phil Spencer spotted by The Verge, there was talk about their plans including wanting to buy up the likes of Nintendo and even Valve with Spencer noting "But our BoD has seen the full writeup on Nintendo (and Valve) and they are fully supportive on either if opportunity arises as am I" (BoD being Board of Directors).

Pictured - Leaked 2020 email, credit to The Verge

Could you imagine the disaster it would be if Microsoft acquired Valve? There's just so many ways that would become incredibly problematic and wow — what a monopoly that would make huh? Not that Valve has any need at all to sell, they pretty much print money thanks to their 30% cut from most developers on Steam. Valve is also privately owned, so they can do whatever the heck they want. Valve are far from perfect, but competition is good and necessary and them joining together would really mess the industry up.

You might remember that "Microsoft Loves Linux", but the reality is they like Linux when it makes them money. If the above ever were to happen, it's not really likely they would continue all of Valve's big investments into Linux given how even with the Steam Deck the market is small. After all, Valve put all these resources into Linux because they don't want to be entirely at the whims of Microsoft for their store, and Valve clearly want their own platform so Linux with Proton + Steam Deck is key to that. And maybe even more when we find out what the heck Galileo and Sephiroth are.

So, Microsoft, please continue to keep your filthy hands off Valve (but keep putting your games on Steam okay? thanks).

Article taken from
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dvd Sep 23, 2023
Quoting: NeptNutzPhil Spencer is the saddest kind of "frat boy" known to humankind. He shows up in his hipster-adjacent clothes, talks a big game, marginally gesticulates accordingly; but when the "chips are down", talk is all that he has. He is a corporate-owned 'News Announcer' tool and nothing more.

First and foremost: Under Lord GabeN's leadership, Valve would DIE before it ever sells to Micro$ith. (Inheritances be damned.)

Secondly: Considering hardware-behemoth Sony is already acquiescing to to Steam, for the next-in-line Japanese hardware behemoth, Nintendo, to ignore that level of a tectonic shift would be complete folly, if not total ignorance.

Nintendo knows they have already been beaten in the hardware race (<-- Steam Deck). Nowadays, it's the intellectual property (IP) that matters. (Hardware follows software - ibid. VisiCalc )

Whether or not "frat boy" can lure them to the dark side remains to be seen. Notch was an easy mark. Famicom is a totally different animal.

I don't think Nintendo really gives a shit about hardware, their games sell quite well without "realistic" graphics.

What i find sad is that people care more about games than widewine and all the patent/copyright shit that makes using a computer/the internet miserable with or without a linux computer. I think it would be good if the "gaming industry" collapsed and only indies remained, 80% of the good games come from them nowadays anyway.
Arehandoro Sep 23, 2023
My only consolation is that climate change will kill us all, or I hope at least me, before MS can buy all the industry.

Last edited by Arehandoro on 23 September 2023 at 8:39 am UTC
QYME Sep 23, 2023
Quoting: F.Ultrabut he does have access to the most expensive care available on the planet so he could very well live for another 20 or 40 years.
I'd be fine with 80y but i'm probably overly optimistic here.

He also seems to have a Yatch and there's been a rising of criminal acts against those by killer whales recently.
Whitch is good, but not for this one particular yatch so...

Enough kidding around, i didn't knew about the shares being already divided among that many people. By exwife, i imagine that's the mother of his children ? So, in a way, it's still in the family. They would be crazy to sell out, we're on the same page but we do have our lot of crazy trillionaires around so we never know.
soulsource Sep 23, 2023
Quoting: williamjcmWell, since the leak happened, I'm sure competition watchdogs will keep a very close eye on Microsoft for the years to come.
You forgot the '/s'.
JordanPlayz158 2 years Sep 23, 2023
Quoting: finaldestAt least prior generations had the advantage of physical media allowing game ownership. Now they want to kill the physical games media market also.

So I only buy physical games on PS5 now as SONY at least allows games to be played without updates but the bulk of my purchases are on PC simply because I trust Valve more than the competition to not somehow screw me over.
I mean as the physical games market is dwindling, there is GOG which is essentially the physical games market but digital (in terms of ownership), buy the game on GOG, download the files, those files should work forever (at least not stopped by DRM or online connectivity) so long as you ensure the copies are not lost
RealChris Sep 23, 2023
The Problem Is, It's A Violation For Microsoft To Acquire Valve, Its Illegal Under The Anti-Trust Laws, The Problem.. They Are Buying The Politicians Off To Look The Other Way For Years, Still Are, Its All Corrupted We Have Laws For Monopolies But.. What Good Are Laws When Your So Big You Can Buy Agencies Off. Yet, Small Business Gets Attacked Non-Stop, Look At Similarities Like Uber, They Admitted To Committed Illegal Activities Bc The System Is Corrupted. If We Can Get Politicians Back To The Old System And Enforce Laws Already In Place, You Won't Have Companies Like Microsoft, AT&T, TMobile Etc. Buying Off Everyone So There's No Competition, Bc It Violates Fair Competition In The USA.
Geamandura Sep 23, 2023
Quoting: williamjcmWell, since the leak happened, I'm sure competition watchdogs will keep a very close eye on Microsoft for the years to come.

As far as I know the watchdog is only meant to keep Microsoft from doing something illegal; there is no morality watchdog to prevent them from being a piece of shthit cnut fckuing company.
ridge Sep 23, 2023
One can say whatever they like about Nintendo and Valve both, Microsoft gobbling up either (or worse, both) would be cataclysmic. Things are already starting to become monopolised, we'll all benefit from them doing their own thing.

Last edited by ridge on 23 September 2023 at 7:06 pm UTC
poiuz Sep 23, 2023
Quoting: NeptNutzNintendo knows they have already been beaten in the hardware race (<-- Steam Deck).
How is the Steam Deck beating the Nintendo Switch?
WorMzy Sep 23, 2023
But what does it matter if you can just press 'play'? :trollface:
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