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Steam Deck OS 3.4.9 released with GPU fix for Starfield

By - | Views: 52,999

As I speculated previously when Steam Deck OS 3.4.9 went into Preview, Valve has now released it as a Stable update for all Steam Deck owners for Starfield.

When the update launched into Preview, Valve only noted the GPU fix was for "an upcoming game". Now Steam Deck OS 3.4.9 is Stable with the changelog noted as:

  • Fixed a GPU driver crash with Starfield
  • Fixed hangs on reboot when switching from upcoming Beta OS releases.

I will have a very rough quick first-look as soon as Starfield is installed and ready on my Steam Deck. Stay tuned on that one (follow on YouTube), I'm not expecting performance to be particularly good though for now. As we've seen with many AAA launches, they generally work better (and in many cases fully Steam Deck Verified) a few weeks after release.

Nice to see Valve get ahead of this one though, good to see such prompt updates for the Steam Deck!

Pictured - Starfield

For players who pre-purchased the special deluxe edition, early access for Starfield has now begun, with the full release on September 6th.

Update: Valve developer Pierre-Loup Griffais mentioned:

There is a known issue with Starfield where the initial window waits on a black screen. You can tap it with the touchscreen to progress past it, and we are releasing another OS update with a fix within the next hour.

Update #2: Steam Deck OS 3.4.10 has rolled out for the extra fix "where Starfield could become stuck on a black screen while launching, waiting for touchscreen interaction."

Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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rustigsmed Sep 1, 2023
Any fix for linux desktop yet?
AlphaObeisance Sep 1, 2023
Quoting: rustigsmedAny fix for linux desktop yet?

I'm wondering quite the same. I get to main menu without issues, but upon launching new game; it freezes up and I have to killall steam to get out.
tevinlewis Sep 1, 2023
Same here the game starts and then when you click new game it just crashes and you are sent back to your desktop
Soup123 Sep 1, 2023
Anyone found anything yet? Or even a way of contact to try find a solution. On Fedora 38 Desktop same issues as above
Liam Dawe Sep 1, 2023
People in Discord said it worked for them, are you trying Proton Experimental?
dudenashty Sep 1, 2023
Same here, seems to be shared by a few folks from the issue on github. Early thoughts from looking over is it might have something to do with vkd3d?
Liam Dawe Sep 1, 2023
Article updated, see the bottom.
drlamb Sep 1, 2023
Game has been rock solid stable for me on my desktop thus far and I've really enjoyed it. Fedora 38 + rawhide kernel (6.5) + mesa-git + Proton Experimental.

Maxed 1440P (no FSR) 75-130 FPS.

Edit: Does dip a bit in cities to the mid 40s, hopefully some performance patches fix this.

Last edited by drlamb on 4 September 2023 at 6:03 pm UTC
Mountain Man Sep 1, 2023
Wait, how are you guys playing Starfield already? The Steam store page says it doesn't release until September 5.
drlamb Sep 1, 2023
Quoting: Mountain Man
The premium edition of the game allows for "early access" starting September 1st.

Last edited by drlamb on 1 September 2023 at 3:10 am UTC
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