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Love classic RTS games? Check out D.O.R.F. Real-Time Strategic Conflict

By - | Views: 35,684

D.O.R.F. Real-Time Strategic Conflict is an upcoming RTS based on the OpenRA game engine, and it looks really promising so it's going to be one to keep an eye on.

More about it: "D.O.R.F. Real-Time Strategic Conflict is a return to classic isometric RTS action, featuring elaborate base-building, resource gathering and massive battles with powerful and unique units. Take command of one of three factions, construct your base, gather and consume resources and smash your enemies!"

They showed off some fresher footage during the PC Gaming Show earlier this year that I missed:

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  • Elaborately detailed isometric sprites that harken back to the classic days of PC real-time strategy, while making use of modern rendering techniques and resolution.
  • Base construction and resource harvesting, but with a modern twist; resources must get from the refineries to the factories, rewarding players with efficient base layouts.
  • Pump oil from deposits, mine ore beneath the surface, and gather scrap and debris left over from previous battles to fuel your war machine.
  • Three unique factions: play as the brutalist battle-hardened Empire, the junkyard jalopy war machines of the Warbands, or the technologically sophisticated and mysterious N.W.O.
  • A massive arsenal at your disposal: from psychic rogues to multi-turret landships, self-cloaking tanks and giant crushing junk spheres of death, every faction offers their own arsenal of powerful and strange units.
  • Explore and conquer a twisted vision of Earth’s future, corrupted by genetic experiments, endless warfare and extraterrestrial anomalies.
  • Have your troops engage in brutal close-quarters fighting by storming enemy fortifications and facilities; capture your enemies factories and use their own technologies against them.
  • D.O.R.F. will feature an elaborate campaign for each of the game’s three factions, as well as multiplayer with up to 8 players per-match.

Going by their own FAQ, it will have Linux support at launch. Not a surprise, since OpenRA has great Linux support, although they using a slightly older version of it with their own tweaks.

As someone who grew up with the original Dune 2, C&C, Red Alert and more I really can't wait to give this a go, it looks like a lot of fun. Love that wrecking-ball unit smashing through walls, brilliant. The whole design of it looks rad. Nice to see more developers use OpenRA like this.

You can follow it on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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TheSHEEEP Oct 16, 2023
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Now that's a pretty game!
syxbit Oct 16, 2023
Doesn't look like there are cheesy cutscenes.
I miss those ;)

Last edited by syxbit on 16 October 2023 at 4:14 pm UTC
Purple Library Guy Oct 16, 2023
Dorf! But is it romantik?
Anza Oct 16, 2023
Quoting: Purple Library GuyDorf! But is it romantik?

Thanks. I wondered why it sounded bit familiar.
vee Oct 16, 2023
There are elements of it that remind me of KKnD (the logo and one faction in particular), if anyone remembers that game.
dvd Oct 16, 2023
I'm sold.
Purple Library Guy Oct 16, 2023
Are there any clues as to what D.O.R.F. stands for, if anything?
iiari Oct 17, 2023
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This actually looks like a lot of fun if the AI holds up....
emphy Oct 17, 2023
Quoting: Purple Library GuyAre there any clues as to what D.O.R.F. stands for, if anything?

Dumb Over the top Real-time Fighting?

I like the gameplay videos of this much better than those from the rts that is to be published by embracer. Can't quite put my finger on as to why.

Last edited by emphy on 17 October 2023 at 4:27 am UTC
RavenWings Oct 21, 2023
"Dorf" is the Geman word for "village". In the case of "Dorfromantik" thats exactly what it means, Dorfromantik is a word to describe a beautiful and calm village-atmosphere with old buildings, fields, animals etc.

In the case of D.O.R.F., I dont think this has anything to do with it though xD No Idea what it might stand for, I couldn´t find anything about that on the official website either.

The game looks really awesome, I´m especially hyped with those two points

  • Base construction and resource harvesting, but with a modern twist; resources must get from the refineries to the factories, rewarding players with efficient base layouts.

  • Pump oil from deposits, mine ore beneath the surface, and gather scrap and debris left over from previous battles to fuel your war machine.

We can see trains, pipes and connected buildings in the video. Mixing classic RTS with a little bit of Factorio could be very awesome if done right.

Last edited by RavenWings on 21 October 2023 at 12:36 pm UTC
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