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Want to pick up some new games while also supporting a great charity? One Special Day 2023 is here and there's a Steam Event to go with it.

The event raises money for SpecialEffect, a charity that helps transform the lives of people with physical challenges right across the world through the innovative use of technology. We all want more people to be able to play games right? They work directly with various hardware and software developers to help spread knowledge and tech to help benefit thousands across the world.

A bunch of games on Steam included in the event will be giving away a portion of their proceeds to the charity until October 8th.

Some of the games include:

No Man's Sky

Slime Rancher

Slime Rancher 2

Evil Genius 2: World Domination

Titan Souls

The Wandering Village

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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Koopacabras Oct 6, 2023
I am actually curious if there is any blind people playing on Linux... Afaik accessibility specially for blind people is not on par with Windows or Mac OS. Fully accessible games are already a minority, also I wonder how many of those work 100% with proton, because you'd be diminishing your choices a lot if some of them don't work. I suppose with such small userbase it would be really hard to hunt down accessibility bugs on proton, or on native games.

Last edited by Koopacabras on 6 October 2023 at 10:40 am UTC
Koopacabras Oct 6, 2023
its really nice that they are doing this... but I want to buy a game for a blind friend and I cannot figure out, which games are accessible for blind . Great idea poorly implemented.
dpanter Oct 6, 2023
I'll drop the Reddit post you shared on the GOL Discord here then. :)

A blind gamer's perspective on the SteamDeck and it's accessibility, plus some questions

The sale is a bit ironic indeed.
Koopacabras Oct 6, 2023
Quoting: dpanterI'll drop the Reddit post you shared on the GOL Discord here then. :)

A blind gamer's perspective on the SteamDeck and it's accessibility, plus some questions

The sale is a bit ironic indeed.
yes man such an irony afaik blind people are struggling to even login on steam, but with all honesty I think accessibility started to pick up some pace mostly due the recent UI overhaul, maybe now its a year since they dropped that update?.

Last edited by Koopacabras on 6 October 2023 at 12:52 pm UTC
Koopacabras Oct 6, 2023
in case anyone is in need for a recommendation of what might be a good gift for visually impaired peeps, I ended picking up this game, my friend likes chiptune-style music, and I think the narrator is fairly understandable with a clean accent, plus it is linux native
BlackBloodRum Oct 6, 2023
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Nice! I have a friend who will love this idea!
denyasis Oct 6, 2023
Quoting: KoopacabrasI am actually curious if there is any blind people playing on Linux... Afaik accessibility specially for blind people is not on par with Windows or Mac OS. Fully accessible games are already a minority, also I wonder how many of those work 100% with proton, because you'd be diminishing your choices a lot if some of them don't work. I suppose with such small userbase it would be really hard to hunt down accessibility bugs on proton, or on native games.

I dunno if it was Linux or not, but I remember a Rogue like Radio podcast years and years ago talking about accessibility with Roguelikes. The intro and outro was audio of a visually impaired player playing a Roguelike using a screen reader. It was a really amazing thing to hear them playing the game!!
BlackBloodRum Oct 6, 2023
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It should be noted that this sale, and the charity is aimed at helping those with physical disabilities (not blindness). For example, they help try to make games which can be played by tracking eye movement. It's worth checking the charity to get a bit more info

Blindness, is a whole other issue.
Koopacabras Oct 6, 2023
Quoting: BlackBloodRumIt should be noted that this sale, and the charity is aimed at helping those with physical disabilities (not blindness). For example, they help try to make games which can be played by tracking eye movement. It's worth checking the charity to get a bit more info

Blindness, is a whole other issue.

oh my thanks for the clarification. Sometimes I skim too much and tend to misunderstand. I assumed since a bunch of blind accessible games were included in the sale, it was also aimed towards blind people.
Btw the game I linked in my previous post isn't included in the event.
What a terrible person I am, it looks like a just used this event as an excuse to snag a nice game for my friend
BlackBloodRum Oct 6, 2023
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Quoting: Koopacabras
Quoting: BlackBloodRumIt should be noted that this sale, and the charity is aimed at helping those with physical disabilities (not blindness). For example, they help try to make games which can be played by tracking eye movement. It's worth checking the charity to get a bit more info

Blindness, is a whole other issue.

oh my thanks for the clarification. Sometimes I skim too much and tend to misunderstand. I assumed since a bunch of blind accessible games were included in the sale, it was also aimed towards blind people.
Btw the game I linked in my previous post isn't included in the event.
What a terrible person I am, it looks like a just used this event as an excuse to snag a nice game for my friend

No worries! It all helps a good cause in any case!
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