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Want to pick up some new games while also supporting a great charity? One Special Day 2023 is here and there's a Steam Event to go with it.

The event raises money for SpecialEffect, a charity that helps transform the lives of people with physical challenges right across the world through the innovative use of technology. We all want more people to be able to play games right? They work directly with various hardware and software developers to help spread knowledge and tech to help benefit thousands across the world.

A bunch of games on Steam included in the event will be giving away a portion of their proceeds to the charity until October 8th.

Some of the games include:

No Man's Sky

Slime Rancher

Slime Rancher 2

Evil Genius 2: World Domination

Titan Souls

The Wandering Village

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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RFSharpe Oct 6, 2023
Thanks for alerting us to this sale. I likely would have missed it. I have worked for decades for an organization that serves people with disabilities. I would have been very disappointed if I had missed the opportunity to support this charity. In addition, I picked up a copy of No Mans's Sky for 50% off. Win-Win. This game has been on my wishlist for years.
neolith Oct 7, 2023
Several of the games on that sale page are not on sale at all – including most of the games listed here in this article. Am I misunderstanding the word 'sale' or is this a regional thing and the pricing is not the same everywhere?
dpanter Oct 8, 2023
The page states "third-party event" so might not necessarily feature titles on sale.
Perhaps the listed games have notable accessibility features?
Koopacabras Oct 10, 2023
Sorry if I hijack this thread, and monopolize the talk around blindness. But my friend, after struggling to login, when he did login, was not able to accept my gift after I tried sending it two times. In the end he decided to buy the game by himself... I know you can do better Valve.

Last edited by Koopacabras on 10 October 2023 at 9:03 am UTC
Liam Dawe Oct 11, 2023
Quoting: neolithSeveral of the games on that sale page are not on sale at all – including most of the games listed here in this article. Am I misunderstanding the word 'sale' or is this a regional thing and the pricing is not the same everywhere?
I think that's my bad, it's an event not specifically a sale. Have adjusted the wording.
neolith Oct 16, 2023
Quoting: Liam DaweI think that's my bad, it's an event not specifically a sale. Have adjusted the wording.
Ah, I see... Thanks for the info!
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