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Scratchy-art vicious action-RPG 'Death of a Wish' gets a fresh demo

By - | Views: 23,283

Death of a Wish from the developer of Lucah: Born of a Dream looks seriously wild and there's now a demo available for you to try for a while. Only a limited time though as the demo will only stick around until November 19th.

"Death of a Wish is a vicious action-RPG set in a nightmare filled with horrifying monsters and terrifying people.

Play as Christian, a Marked child raised by a cult and struggling to escape indoctrination, as he bands with others to challenge their oppressors. By taking down the four Sanctum Faiths: Father, Sister, Cardinal, and Priest, they will upend the order of the world."

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As recently covered by me, it will have Linux support and the developer now now put up a Linux demo on the page but for now on Steam it only has the Windows demo.

The developer is also running a special contest for the demo where you can win a postcard featuring some fancy artwork and a personal message from the developer. You just need to perform exceptionally well in the combat and submit the details of your boss fight - details on that here.

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