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Steam Deck officially hits over 12,000 games Playable and Verified

By - | Views: 46,454

The little machine that just keeps on giving. The Steam Deck from Valve has now hit over 12,000 games that are rated Playable or Verified. While it's still far short of the total number of games and software on Steam, which is now over 96,000, it's still an impressive number that Valve has been able to get through and give some form of testing.

At time of writing the current numbers are:

  • Verified: 4,046
  • Playable: 8,025
  • Unsupported: 3,523

You can check out the full list on SteamDB, which includes titles that had their store page hidden although owners can still download the games. There's various reasons for games to no longer be sold including expired licensing. Just because a game hasn't been through verification doesn't mean you can't play them though! You can download and try anything on Steam Deck these are just what Valve put through testing.

Some recently Verified titles include:

Dungeon Golf

Lords of the Fallen

The Talos Principle 2



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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Mohandevir Oct 30, 2023
Quote... There's various reasons for games to no longer be sold including expired licensing...

One such game is Dirt Showdown which weirdly got a Steam Deck rating: Playable. Just did a new playthrough. Quite fun on the Steam Deck.
Pengling Oct 30, 2023
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Happy to say that all three of the modern Bomberman games have either Verified or Playable ratings - including, for some reason, the free-to-play one that got delisted last year even though nobody will ever again be able to do anything beyond viewing the main-menu.

Last edited by Pengling on 30 October 2023 at 6:56 pm UTC
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