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Now this is certainly retro that slightly older readers might be interested in. Swords of Freeport is a new text-mode social RPG heavily inspired by the style of Bulletin Board System door games from back in the '90s.

The developer, Elissa Black, mentions they were inspired by classics like Legend of the Red Dragon. It is part MUD and part BBS Game, without the need for a BBS. While it is a single-player game it does have some social aspects like seeing other's progress via an in-game news board, you can chat using in-game message boards in taverns, you can see when others are logged in but there's no PvP - it's all for social reasons.


Features include:

  • Retro play once-a-day style mechanics
  • Three core starting professions with options for cross-skilling
  • A whole city and the countryside around it to explore!
  • Witty, smart humour throughout the game *
  • All 24 characters and many words of the English language are used to evoke the feeling of really being in a squalid Victorian-adjacent fantasy city!
  • Addictive turn-based gameplay which limits how much time you can sink into it
  • Look, it has the Bloatalope - you want to hunt a Bloatalope, don't you? **

* This is subjective, of course. But my mum thinks it's funny.

** That'd be something to brag about to your friends. "Gary," you'd say. "You won't BELIEVE what I hunted last night in a text game I've been addicted to!" Gary would no doubt respond with, "My goodness, Charlene, don't tell me it's a BLOATALOPE you went hunting? That's very impressive. Let me buy you a coffee!"

See more on the website and itch.io.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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StalePopcorn Oct 5, 2023
Who you calling 'old!'? …is that the sound of my first, 9600 baud modem!?
BlackBloodRum Oct 5, 2023
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popey Oct 5, 2023
Oh wow. I used to have Legend of the Green Dragon installed on my website. It used to get a surprisingly decent number of players! It's still a thing, too. http://lotgd.net/home.php
Kithop Oct 5, 2023
As someone who still hosts an old social MU* for friends off an old RasPi in a drawer, and learned Multi-User Forth (MUF) and MPI as some of my first programming languages in... elementary school...

This is certainly A Thing. I never got big into the combat-heavy MUD way of doing things, but it's fun seeing people keeping this style alive!
eldarion Oct 7, 2023
I wish this had a demo. I'm an old school gamer and I have absolutely no problems playing text based games (from muds to interactive fictions). But asking $15 to blindly buy a text based game without even knowing if the story and writing are good and the mechanics are well implemented is asking too much.

There are better alternatives for RPGs at that price that you actually know are good. Hell, Pillars of Eternity 2 is at that price on GOG at the moment.

Last edited by eldarion on 7 October 2023 at 12:58 pm UTC
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