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Ubuntu Summit 2023 will have some fun Linux gaming talks

By - | Views: 33,035

The next Ubuntu Summit is approaching on November 3rd - 5th in Riga, Latvia and this year there's a good few interesting Linux gaming talks that you might want to keep an eye on.

Here's some of the talks going on:

At least some of the event will be available on YouTube streamed via the Ubuntu OnAir channel.

I was actually invited to attend this year, but sadly cross-country travel for me is a no. So hopefully they will have all of the talks up to watch easily once the event is over.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
Tags: Event, Misc, Ubuntu
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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hardpenguin Oct 2, 2023
QuoteLinux Gaming beyond Steam: Building native support for GOG, Epic, and more
It is bittersweet that this talk will not be lead by a GOG.com or Epic employee.

QuoteHow Steam Play/Proton makes Gaming on Linux awesome - Thomas Crider (Proton-GE, Nobara, Red Hat, Lutris).
That's GloriousEggroll!
chr Oct 2, 2023
Huh, I can actually travel there by train - that's neat.
Edgarins29 Oct 2, 2023
Very interesting topics, I will probably try to get in person there.
Pengling Oct 2, 2023
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Given how gaming typically drives adoption of technology, it's nice to see multiple talks on the subject scheduled for this event. Looking forward to hearing more!
benstor214 Oct 2, 2023
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Quoting: hardpenguin
QuoteHow Steam Play/Proton makes Gaming on Linux awesome - Thomas Crider (Proton-GE, Nobara, Red Hat, Lutris).
That's GloriousEggroll!
Should have called the talk 'How Steam Play and especially the formidable GE-Proton makes Gaming on Linux awesome' and then just pretend to have never come across the term 'glorious eggroll'.
'Never heard of it. Sounds dope though!'
Linux_Rocks Oct 2, 2023
Quoting: PenglingGiven how gaming typically drives adoption of technology, it's nice to see multiple talks on the subject scheduled for this event. Looking forward to hearing more!
Porn too. It's why VHS beat out Betamax. lol
BlackBloodRum Oct 2, 2023
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Quoting: Linux_Rocks
Quoting: PenglingGiven how gaming typically drives adoption of technology, it's nice to see multiple talks on the subject scheduled for this event. Looking forward to hearing more!
Porn too. It's why VHS beat out Betamax. lol
And we can also thank military usage, and development, for a significant push in technology over the years
Grogan Oct 2, 2023
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Quoting: Linux_RocksPorn too. It's why VHS beat out Betamax. lol

Yep, you can thank the desire for internet porn, for the accelerated development of display technology in the early 90's. (i.e. suddenly there was a real need for higher res, 16 million colour displays :-) )

Last edited by Grogan on 2 October 2023 at 9:41 pm UTC
sarmad Oct 2, 2023
Interesting talks.
Purple Library Guy Oct 3, 2023
Quoting: BlackBloodRum
Quoting: Linux_Rocks
Quoting: PenglingGiven how gaming typically drives adoption of technology, it's nice to see multiple talks on the subject scheduled for this event. Looking forward to hearing more!
Porn too. It's why VHS beat out Betamax. lol
And we can also thank military usage, and development, for a significant push in technology over the years
What, you mean that Arpanet thing? It'll never catch on.
Meanwhile, let's not forget the massive influence of particle physics research.
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