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Dominatrix is a fresh updated port of Ritual Entertainment's SiN

By - | Views: 39,972

Remember SiN? The classic shooter from Ritual Entertainment released in 1998? Well there's a new updated port of it for modern systems. Developer Rohit emailed about it to mention the release on and their CoHost blog about the work involved that's worth a read.

The thing is, Night Dive Studios did put out SiN: Gold, and they're working on SiN Reloaded but there's no hint at a release date for that yet. Rohit mentions that "While SiN Gold is a pretty decent way to play the game, it still has a few pain points that could really use some smoothing over" and so they put on their coding socks and made Dominatrix.

Some of the new features include:

  • A new Linux port.
  • Better resolution support.
  • Controller Support.
  • Weapon radial menu.
  • Gamepad-friendly virtual keyboard.
  • Better menu/interface scaling.

It's also been added to the Luxtorpeda, to enable you to easily run it from Steam. See more on Luxtorpeda here.

You do need the original data files to play it which you can grab from GOG or Steam.

Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Ardje Nov 23, 2023
Dominatrix is also an awesome and free game on steam, and it has been deck verified.
Try it out!

Edit: *Dominatrix simulator
It would have been so much fun if it was just Dominatrix ;-).

Last edited by Ardje on 23 November 2023 at 12:45 pm UTC
neolith Nov 23, 2023
Does this also work with the original SiN? I am asking because the SiN Gold versions are not sold by GOG or Steam here in Germany, but I think I still have the original game on CD somewhere...
hardpenguin Nov 23, 2023
QuoteIt's also been added to the Luxtorpeda, to enable you to easily run it from Steam. See more on Luxtorpeda here.
Sil_el_mot Nov 23, 2023
Quoting: ArdjeDominatrix is also an awesome and free game on steam, and it has been deck verified.
Try it out!

Edit: *Dominatrix simulator
It would have been so much fun if it was just Dominatrix ;-).

I don't get the joke.
Neither dominatrix nor dominatrix simulator are free
Linux_Rocks Nov 23, 2023
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
whizse Nov 23, 2023
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Quoting: neolithDoes this also work with the original SiN? I am asking because the SiN Gold versions are not sold by GOG or Steam here in Germany, but I think I still have the original game on CD somewhere...
From the FAQ: "The files from the original Windows CD also seem to work, but haven't been thoroughly tested" - So fingers crossed?

Edit: Looks like you need to manually convert the video files though.

Last edited by whizse on 23 November 2023 at 1:59 pm UTC
neolith Nov 23, 2023
Quoting: whizseFrom the FAQ: "The files from the original Windows CD also seem to work, but haven't been thoroughly tested" - So fingers crossed?

Edit: Looks like you need to manually convert the video files though.
That seems feasible. Thanks for the link!
Soulprayer Nov 23, 2023
Oh yeah, i so loved SiN and was so disappointed with SiN episodes.
I should try Dominatrix out on the weekend.
gbudny Nov 23, 2023

I still have the CD with the Linux version of Sin.

I played it on Ubuntu 20.4 with padsp.

Unfortunately, this version doesn't include SiN: Wages of Sin, which is a mod from the gold version.

I hope that is a legal thing because I don't want to see it removed:

QuoteI plan to release the source later, but it won't be under an open-source license since it's actually leaked.

How many times I try to explained it:

QuoteSure, you could run Sin Gold under Proton, but where's the fun in that?

I think the issue is that many users treat Linux with Proton as a replacement for Windows. The current situation with games for Linux is different now than it was before 2010. On the other hand, I have treated this system since 2004 as something "terrible" that frequently amazes me when I can run some great games on it.

Linux is something better than many other versions of Unix, but it is very similar to them.

Last edited by gbudny on 23 November 2023 at 5:34 pm UTC
Mnoleg Nov 23, 2023
Quoting: gbudnyI still have the CD with the Linux version of Sin.
I played it on Ubuntu 20.4 with padsp.

I did the same on Fedora a few years ago and it was a terrible experience. It was probably a problem particular to my setup however. The game ran faster than normal but with constant chopping. The worst motion sickness I can remember.
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