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Fedora Linux 39 is out now with GNOME 45, Linux kernel 6.5

By - | Views: 33,461

The Fedora team announced the release of Fedora Linux 39 yesterday November 7th, bringing with it GNOME 45 and a ton of other improvements for one of the most popular desktop Linux distributions.

It's not all about GNOME though as there's upgraded flavours of Fedora that come with KDE Plasma Desktop, Xfce, Cinnamon, and others. There's even the fancy newer Fedora Onyx, an immutable desktop featuring the Budgie desktop. Coming with Linux kernel 6.5 and Mesa 23.2.1 supporting plenty of newer hardware for the best experience.

Pictured - Fedora Linux 39, showing GNOME Activities Overview

Here you can expect probably the best GNOME experience, since it is their flagship desktop and they keep a pretty tight ship with the upstream GNOME project. GNOME 45 brings with it numerous new features like the Activities Indicator, fast searching, a Camera Usage Indicator, a new image viewer, a new camera app, improved settings, various Flatpak and Wayland improvements and much much more. Pretty much the vast majority of actual user-facing changes are from GNOME 45.

Other updates to the software includes GCC 13.2, Binutils 2.40, glibc 2.38, GDB 13.2, RPM 4.19, Python 3.12 and Rust 1.73.

Pictured - Fedora Linux 39, showing GNOME Apps

Grab it from the Fedora Website.

Are you upgrading? How did it go?

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Lanz Nov 8, 2023
Gnome now resembles the bastard child of a smartphone, Mac OS, and Windows 11 - combining the worst elements of all 3 into the most dialectical GUI.
Quoting: LanzGnome now resembles the bastard child of a smartphone, Mac OS, and Windows 11 - combining the worst elements of all 3 into the most dialectical GUI.
On the contrary, GNOME changed my workflow completely. I mope when I need to use macOS or Windows. The workspace indicator is an improvement.

I've always maintained that GNOME is what macOS could have been if there was more thought behind some of the designs. And hell, it's really not hard to build a better file manager than Finder.

I like KDE a lot too! Having two rows of virtual desktops makes a lot of sense, for example.
RenardDesMers Nov 8, 2023
Upgraded yesterday without any issue. I didn't see a lot of change except for the pill on the top left and my extensions being broken until they update (I hate Gnome for doing that again and again)
wvstolzing Nov 8, 2023
One thing that causes a slight eyebrow raise is the Python 3.12 default. I wonder if that's a little bit early; as 3rd party python packages haven't all caught up yet (I think PySide6 *just* released 6.6 which is compatible with py3.12).

Not too big a deal, of course; but Fedora can always introduce major releases of packages inbetween os releaes through the updates repo, which is enabled by default.
damarrin Nov 8, 2023
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I upgraded a few weeks ago. It was rather seamless.

And Gnome, for me, is the best of the Linux desktops. I also regularly use KDE and Cinnamon and they are great in their own right, but with Gnome I get a bit more fun from my computing. I do miss a couple of KDE features, though.
breningham Nov 8, 2023
I'm using Bazzite, but went from 38 to 39 without any issues (not even my extensions got broken)
pete910 Nov 8, 2023
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Could have squeezed kernel 6.6 in
Solitary Nov 8, 2023
Quoting: pete910Could have squeezed kernel 6.6 in
This isn't Ubuntu, there is no reason to squeeze in a specific kernel version. Fedora has rolling kernel version, so soon enough 6.6 will be in the updates for Fedora 39 and Fedora 38 too, and kernel 6.7 after that, etc... until the distro goes EOL in 13 months.
omer666 Nov 8, 2023
Quoting: LanzGnome now resembles the bastard child of a smartphone, Mac OS, and Windows 11 - combining the worst elements of all 3 into the most dialectical GUI.
I am quite passionate about OS UIs, and to me what it resembles the most is in fact Xerox GlobalView :

But I'm fine with diverging opinions, I am just happy to have a DE that fits my tastes completely.

Fedora 39 brought Mesa 23.2.1, which makes me gain quite a few FPS, along with increased vm.max_map_count out of the box. Also GNOME Files got a GUI overall that's pretty nice. On the negative side, HIP is now broken, but package maintainer is working on it.
tfk Nov 8, 2023
Upgraded via the cli. After 15-20 minutes it was done. Nothing to report. Bit boring really.
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