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Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew is getting two major expansions

By - | Views: 33,511

Even though Mimimi Games are set to shut down, they're not yet finished with Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew with big content additions coming. The game is currently rated Steam Deck Verified and Platinum on ProtonDB, it's also rated Overwhelmingly Positive on Steam so it's a good one!

In an announcement email sent out they said:

Big news ahead, cursed pirates: On December 6, the cursed crew and world of Shadow Gambit are set to grow.

Get ready, as we'll be unleashing not one, but two mighty DLC expansions for PC and consoles. Each of the two DLC features several hours of fresh content including:

☠️ A brand-new character with unique supernatural powers joining your cursed crew

🏝️ An uncharted magical island waiting to be explored

📜 An epic story campaign across six new missions to experience

They also shared this fun infographic with details gathered from players who opted into it:

You can buy it from:

Humble Store



Trailer if you've not seen it before:

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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BlackBloodRum Nov 22, 2023
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Might pick it up on GOG at some point

Although, pirates and things related to that stuff aren't usually my kind of thing

Liam Dawe Nov 22, 2023
Quoting: BlackBloodRumAlthough, pirates and things related to that stuff aren't usually my kind of thing
Lie detector is going hard right now
BlackBloodRum Nov 22, 2023
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Quoting: Liam Dawe
Quoting: BlackBloodRumAlthough, pirates and things related to that stuff aren't usually my kind of thing
Lie detector is going hard right now

It's the truth, honest, cross my swords and hope to pillage.
Linux_Rocks Nov 22, 2023

Jarmer Nov 22, 2023
This is great news! I was going to start this up soon, but I think I'll wait for these to release then start it. Loved the game when I tested it recently, and this will be great additional content!
Purple Library Guy Nov 22, 2023
That very long trailer looks like a lot of fun. It would appear they dealt with the problem of ship-to-ship combat in pirate games always seeming to be kind of cheesy by . . . not doing it at all. But you know, it looks like there's so much piratey flavour in there that I don't mind. Kind of amusing that they made "pausing the game" and similar mechanics into in-game features bestowed on you by your ghostly cursed pirate skull artifact thingie.
Plintslîcho Nov 22, 2023
Great news! I love this game and still think it's their best game yet. I'm really looking forward for the expansions!
Lib-Inst Nov 22, 2023
I really hope they can get out a native linux version before they close down.
Eri Nov 23, 2023
And both are supposed to launch the same day. 6 missions between the 2 DLCs. The last gems we'll see from Mimimi, they will be missed, I hope someone will eventually fill the void.
Philadelphus Nov 24, 2023
Huh, Iron Judgement is the fifth-most-used ability? Wouldn't have guessed that, what with how you have to go retrieve Teresa's bolt after firing it. I guess people like their long-range kills.

Definitely looking forward to checking these out when they release! If you like real-time tactics, this is an incredibly good game. I remember thinking that the only thing that could make it better would be having an inbuilt level editor. I'm looking forward to the new characters; one of things that makes this game so great, in my opinion, even compared to their previous games is the fantasy setting which allows them to really go all out designing fun magic powers. Teleportation, growing hiding bushes anywhere, launching people out of Gaëlle's cannon, so many fun things to play with.

I'm also hoping that with these additional missions they've rebalanced the mission distribution across the islands a bit – it felt weird to have some islands with 4 or 5 missions happening on them, then another with only 2, and one with just a single mission. Regardless, I'm sure whatever there is will be just as fun and engaging as the original game.

Quoting: Purple Library GuyKind of amusing that they made "pausing the game" and similar mechanics into in-game features bestowed on you by your ghostly cursed pirate skull artifact thingie.
Without spoilering too much, I found the overall story of the game enabled by that decision to be rather uplifting, with themes of how our mistakes – and not being able to instantly undo them – allow us to learn and grow and make us the people we ultimately become.
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