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System76 have some great discounts on various Linux hardware

By - | Views: 29,800

It's the season to be discounting apparently and Linux hardware vendor System76 just put up some really nice deals if you're in need of a new system. From now until November 21st you can pay a little less to get a great system, and support a Linux hardware and software vendor.

The Tuxmas Sale includes:

Meerkat, their little mini-PC has $76 off with the 12th Gen Intel i5. Nice little system if you just want something really small that won't take up any space to power a couple of monitors and get all your work done.

Thelio Spark, their entry-level desktop with the fancy custom case that was recently upgraded is also $100 off. Or if you want something slightly more powerful the main Thelio unit is also $100 off.

For people on the go though you won't miss out there either as the high-end ultra-portable Pangloin is $200 off, and their mid-range power-house laptop the Adder WS is $100 off.

See their full specials page here.

In case you missed it they also gave an update on the work going on for COSMIC, their upcoming Linux desktop environment that will ship with Pop!_OS. COSMIC is starting to really come together now, and looks like a desktop environment that might end up picking up quite a few fans with their attention to detail.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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