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Whisker Squadron: Survivor adds Twitch Integration and Cursed Choices

By - | Views: 30,784

Whisker Squadron: Survivor is a lot of fun, blending the cool retro space-shooter action of Star Fox with the upgrades and repeating runs made popular by Vampire Survivors and the latest update sound great!

"Whisker Squadron: Survivor is a rogueflight rail-shooter from the creators of Race The Sun. Blast off on a perilous space epic in your customizable ship to defeat the Swarm once and for all. Fight against non-stop waves of enemies across neon-laced levels, enhance your ship with upgrades, alter your runs with game-changing mods, and most importantly, try to survive."

If you do any streaming to Twitch, you're going to like this update, as viewers can now mess with you! They will be able to pick mid-run upgrades, and to spice things up there's now certain…consequences with the addition of Cursed Choices that have been blended into the upgrades system. Some of the choices include:

  • Galactic Gamble: Summon black holes that attract and kill everything nearby, including you.
  • Rush or Die: Kick your boosters into overdrive for two zones, but die if you let off the throttle.
  • Chaotic Compass: Restore your hull, if you can last two minutes with inverted controls.
  • Glass Cannon Party: For two minutes, everything dies in a single hit. EVERYTHING.

See the update video:

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And their original Early Access trailer:

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Available with Native Linux support and it is Steam Deck Verified.

Where to buy:


Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Purple Library Guy Nov 10, 2023
The cursed choices seem quite creative. And funny.
BigRob029 Nov 10, 2023
I am bad at the game as it is... so my viewership will only have themselves to blame.
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