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WRATH: Aeon of Ruin finally has a release date for February 2024

By - | Views: 28,185

After being in Early Access since 2019 and multiple launch windows missed, the Quake engine powered retro shooter WRATH: Aeon of Ruin finally has an actual real release date. No, I can't quite believe it either.

The developers have been putting out semi-regular update posts on Steam on their progress, but it hasn't stopped negative user reviews on Steam building up over time due to the lack of any actually released updates. Looking on SteamDB, the last public update released for the game was in January 2021 — that's a long time for players to wait on something new for an Early Access game.

Anyway, now it's set to launch on February 27th, 2024 and they put up a new trailer:

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They did release the source code some time ago that contributor Samsai took a look at, which also hasn't been updated on GitHub since 2021 as well. It's not clear if they still plan to provide Native Linux support, but at least if they keep the code up to date people who want that should be able to run it easily enough. Otherwise, Proton will likely run it quite well directly from Steam (it has a Platinum rating on ProtonDB and is Steam Deck Playable).

Where to buy:

Humble Store


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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Lanz Nov 8, 2023
Psyched for this. Looking like it will really be worth the wait.
hardpenguin Nov 9, 2023
Doom engine and Quake engine games so hot right now 😂
rea987 Nov 17, 2023
QuoteIt's not clear if they still plan to provide Native Linux support, but at least if they keep the code up to date people who want that should be able to run it easily enough. Otherwise, Proton will likely run it quite well directly from Steam (it has a Platinum rating on ProtonDB and is Steam Deck Playable).

Luxtorpeda already offers Linux native version.
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