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Death Stranding from Kojima is getting the live-action movie treatment

By - | Views: 49,213

Death Stranding from Kojima Productions is being turned into a movie, with A24 (Everything Everywhere All at Once) taking on the job. As one of my favourite games from the last few years, I can't wait to see!

This is at least the second time an announcement has been made, with the previous report in late 2022 being from Hammerstone Studios. It’s unclear what happened there.

The blurb: "The film promises to delve into the mysteries surrounding the apocalyptic event called the “Death Stranding”, which blurred the lines between life and death, and brought forth nightmarish creatures into a world on the brink of collapse."

In the official announcement Hideo Kojima said: "A24 was born into this world about 10 years ago, their presence is singular within the industry, they are like no other. The films they are delivering to the world are high in quality and very innovative. I have been attracted to their creations and they have even inspired my own work. Their innovative approach to storytelling aligns with what Kojima Productions has been doing for the last 8 years. Now, we are making a Death Stranding movie together. There are a lot of 'game adaptation films' out there but what we are creating is not just a direct translation of the game. The intention is that our audience will not only be fans of the games, but our film will be for anyone who loves cinema. We are creating a Death Stranding universe that has never been seen before, achievable only through the medium of film, it will be born."

Are you excited? I sure am. This will certainly be a memorable experience.

Trailer below for Death Stranding Director's Cut:

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rustybroomhandle Dec 14, 2023
They should make the film and then also release an extra version with an additional 10 hours of hiking.

They could call it The Strider Cut.
Liam Dawe Dec 14, 2023
Quoting: kuhpunktThe announcement was made almost exactly one year ago, lol.
With a completely different company to what has been announced now 🤷‍♂️
mZSq7Fq3qs Dec 14, 2023
Death Stranding is one of my favourite games and it was a quite a chore at times. But the environment, story and all those cutscenes made it worth if for me. So, I am HYPED.
Mountain Man Dec 14, 2023
My all time favorite game, but I don't know how well it will translate to a movie.
Bumadar Dec 15, 2023
Quoting: Mountain ManMy all time favorite game, but I don't know how well it will translate to a movie.

Agreed, I think it will translate easier into a series then a movie because there was no real action in the game (there was some, but you know what i mean) just a lot of exploration and meeting new people at new hubs with new problems/requests.

That translates easy into a series, Find a hub, milk the story of the new found hub, its people, issues and then move on to the next one, help good people, encounter bad people etc etc. New location, new people every few episodes and one large story arc to tie it all together and give his quest a reason.

But for a movie, not sure how it will work in 2 hours
TheSHEEEP Dec 15, 2023
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The best parts of the game were the cutscene and movie parts to begin with.
So I could see this working.

I could actually even like that, in contrast to the game itself, which just bored me to death.
I stopped "playing" (aka walk from A to B) very quickly and just watched someone else's cutscenes/boss-fights only "walkthrough".
rustybroomhandle Dec 15, 2023
I think the above 3 folks are missing one important detail. They are not directly adapting the game. It'll be a different story with different characters, set within the same reality. The press release makes it sound like they might focus on a time closer to the start of the death stranding.
Glittery Dec 15, 2023
They really have to write a good script for that.
Mountain Man Dec 15, 2023
Quoting: rustybroomhandleI think the above 3 folks are missing one important detail. They are not directly adapting the game. It'll be a different story with different characters, set within the same reality. The press release makes it sound like they might focus on a time closer to the start of the death stranding.
I realize that. I'm still not sure how well that will all translate into a movie. The concepts worked well for an immersive game experience across dozens of hours, but as a two hour movie? I don't know.
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