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War Thunder has another major update with 'Air Superiority'

By - | Views: 41,744

War Thunder, one of my most played games from 2023, had another major free update released with the War Thunder update out now bringing various new top-tier jets into the game. As a reminder first of all: did you know the War Thunder game engine, Dagor Engine, recently became open source? A moved that surprised many!

No doubt exciting to air battle enthusiasts to see new stuff in like the F-15, the Su-27 and J-11, the Mirage 4000, plus the JAS39 there's rather a lot more to this update than just that. There's also new ground vehicles, new naval units, a new Volcano Valley map for air battles based on the Kamchatka Peninsula, a complete rework of fire graphics, tanks exploding may now have a chance of fuel leakage and a subsequent fire, various new effects for aircraft landing gear with various surfaces, ultra-low frequencies have been added to the sounds of: explosions, gun shots, and aircraft engines to give more richness to the game mix and much more.

Check out the update trailer below:

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Full changelog available here.

Any other War Thunder players here? How many hours do you have in it now?

You can play for free on Steam. It has Native Linux support and is Steam Deck Verified too.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Pikolo Dec 19, 2023
Top tiers and aircraft in WarThunder are of no interest to me - once you go above 7.0, it's all "grind a tank with default HEAT ammo, against which all enemies have reactive armour, until you unlock APDS"/"grind a plane with no anti air missiles agains opponents who do have missiles" - no thanks. 3.0-4.7 ships, and 2.0-6.7 tanks are where the fun is.

The last interesting changes were the French ships (although the boats are still missing), and the great mid tier paper tank rebalance (all tanks with negligible armour got uptiered, but as compensation, fighters got a big nerf in their ability to hunt them down). This update doesn't have anything interesting.

Last edited by Pikolo on 19 December 2023 at 12:09 pm UTC
M@GOid Dec 19, 2023
If it had a single player mode where I could fly any aircraft without any restriction, you know, how sims used to be, I would agreed to pay AAA money for it. But to be forced to do stupid stuff to "earn" the right to get a better fighter, or to pay a lot of money for temporary access to those? No thanks. And still had to deal with cheaters and kids on the multiplayer? I rather play IL-2 1946 with its old bugs.
Tuxee Dec 20, 2023
Quoting: M@GOidIf it had a single player mode where I could fly any aircraft without any restriction, you know, how sims used to be, I would agreed to pay AAA money for it. But to be forced to do stupid stuff to "earn" the right to get a better fighter, or to pay a lot of money for temporary access to those? No thanks. And still had to deal with cheaters and kids on the multiplayer? I rather play IL-2 1946 with its old bugs.

What are you complaining about? It is a multiplayer game and not a single player sim game (though there are a handful of single player missions and PvE content). And all the multiplayer mechanism apply. It's like you would criticise that Doom Eternal lacks some zen-like puzzle solving.
higuita Dec 21, 2023
Quoting: M@GOidIf it had a single player mode where I could fly any aircraft without any restriction, you know, how sims used to be, I would agreed to pay AAA money for it. But to be forced to do stupid stuff to "earn" the right to get a better fighter, or to pay a lot of money for temporary access to those? No thanks. And still had to deal with cheaters and kids on the multiplayer? I rather play IL-2 1946 with its old bugs.

to just fly, you can do the test drive ANY premium vehicle and fly and explore those planes. Sadly this do not work with normal vehicles, but i will actually open a bug for that

you also have dynamic and single missions, but i think most of then require you already to have the vehicles
finally, they do have 2 missions packs, for single player missions. they are extra DLC and do not require multiplayer, as far as i know, but they are WW2 missions only
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