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World of Goo 2 announced for release in 2024

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2D Boy and Tomorrow Corporation are coming back for one more run, with World of Goo 2 being announced and it looks glorious. They also note it's the "biggest game we've ever made". The original was one of the earliest full indie games to be given a Native Linux version, and to this day is still one of my favourites.

Not much has actually been said about it yet though only that it's big. The first game came out 15 years ago so a lot has changed in that time but I'm definitely excited to learn more.

Check out the first trailer:

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Now, while no platforms have been announced yet, here's a fun little titbit for you: in the YouTube trailer description, they note "Video edited with Kdenlive on Linux Mint". Just a little fun thing to see developers using free and open source tools and noting it like so.

It's due to release some time in 2024. Follow on the official website.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Janne Dec 8, 2023
I saw the title and started hyperventilating a little. World of Goo is one of my top games of all time.
jordicoma Dec 8, 2023
Already 15 years?
I still love world of goo. Hope it's native like the last time.

Last edited by jordicoma on 8 December 2023 at 1:12 pm UTC
ZigZag Dec 8, 2023
I looooooooved the first one and played it quite a few times
Naib Dec 8, 2023
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love WoG, I still launch it every now and again.

Their other games are a bit hit and miss... I like "Human Resources" but not hte fire game
Linux_Rocks Dec 8, 2023
World of Goo is great. I originally bought it as a Games for Windows Live game. But after Microsoft botched that and took my copy of it and Where's Waldo/Wally? away. I got it again on both Steam and Switch a couple years ago. I'll be getting this sequel for sure too, and I second the hope for native Linux support as well.
Eike Dec 8, 2023
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Quoting: JanneI saw the title and started hyperventilating a little. World of Goo is one of my top games of all time.

Hyperventilating nails it. I could hardly believe! Such memories.
Arehandoro Dec 8, 2023
Time for a replay! :)
slaapliedje Dec 8, 2023
Nice! I think World of Goo was one of the really early Humble Bundle games that were Linux native. Kind of a shame that they stopped really selling the Linux games. It was one of the best places to get native stuff, when they started doing so.

Contrary to some, I (and clearly the others posting here so far) still would prefer native Linux games. Shows to me that the developer actually gives a crap about us. :)
Chuckaluphagus Dec 8, 2023
I have purchased World of Goo at least five times over the years, first for myself and then for other people. I even purchased the Nintendo Wii port - which is excellent, by the way. I have the soundtrack in my music library. This is awesome.
pazzoeo Dec 8, 2023
I remember when I was very, very young and my dad used to have a bunch of different Linux distro disks, one of them had World of Goo (demo?) on it and I loved it
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