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World of Goo 2 announced for release in 2024

By - | Views: 42,193

2D Boy and Tomorrow Corporation are coming back for one more run, with World of Goo 2 being announced and it looks glorious. They also note it's the "biggest game we've ever made". The original was one of the earliest full indie games to be given a Native Linux version, and to this day is still one of my favourites.

Not much has actually been said about it yet though only that it's big. The first game came out 15 years ago so a lot has changed in that time but I'm definitely excited to learn more.

Check out the first trailer:

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Now, while no platforms have been announced yet, here's a fun little titbit for you: in the YouTube trailer description, they note "Video edited with Kdenlive on Linux Mint". Just a little fun thing to see developers using free and open source tools and noting it like so.

It's due to release some time in 2024. Follow on the official website.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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sonic2kk Dec 8, 2023
I couldn't be more excited. Every single one of Tomorrow Corporation's games are a joy to play. If you haven't played World of Goo yet, it goes insanely cheap on Steam sales and is worth picking up. Outside of Linux is a "remaster" on Android (and perhaps iOS), but I recommend sticking to the original.

All of Tomorrow Corporation's games are available on Steam, GOG, and on their website via Humble Bundle DRM free (link, all with native Linux support on what I believe is a custom engine based on SDL2 from watching some developer videos on YouTube.

Tomorrow Corporation are the best
Eike Dec 8, 2023
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Quoting: sonic2kkI couldn't be more excited. Every single one of Tomorrow Corporation's games are a joy to play. If you haven't played World of Goo yet, it goes insanely cheap on Steam sales and is worth picking up. Outside of Linux is a "remaster" on Android (and perhaps iOS), but I recommend sticking to the original.

All of Tomorrow Corporation's games are available on Steam, GOG, and on their website via Humble Bundle DRM free (link, all with native Linux support on what I believe is a custom engine based on SDL2 from watching some developer videos on YouTube.

Tomorrow Corporation are the best

Well, some of their games left me with mainly question marks, especially remembering the fireplace game for this... They've got their unique style though, that for sure.
sonic2kk Dec 8, 2023
Quoting: Eikeespecially remembering the fireplace game for this...

It may be worth revisiting, Little Inferno was in part a warning for what the game industry could become, and has never been more relevant.

One Steam review put it quite well: "A philosophical commentary on modern day consumerism? Or a cute little burning game?... you decide :)"

I am biased though, I have bought Little Inferno on Steam, GOG, iOS, Android, the Mac App Store, and Switch, and gifted it innumerable times. Plus, my profile pic is the game's logo

Last edited by sonic2kk on 8 December 2023 at 8:38 pm UTC
Quoting: Naibnice!
I like "Human Resources" but not hte fire game

Those are fighting words!

Just kidding. Little Inferno is an acquired taste. Not everyone gets it and that is fine.




Strangely, I seem to have over 220 hours in it. How did that happen?
sonic2kk Dec 9, 2023
Quoting: no_information_hereStrangely, I seem to have over 220 hours in it. How did that happen?

We stared into the fire for hours and days. But that can't last forever!
ElectricPrism Dec 9, 2023
Instant Certified Banger. Looks like from the video the dev still has the magicsauce too if he's doing it himself.
Soulprayer Dec 9, 2023
Huh, i can't believe 15 years have passed. But yet, here I am - looking forward for the second game.
morbius Dec 9, 2023
Loved the first game, so long ago.
Kuduzkehpan Dec 10, 2023
one of the native games i have play in my linux.
such an amazing game to play. and very exited to solve puzzles. i hope we get native with world of goo 2
motang Dec 11, 2023
Been a few years sine I played World of Goo. I know bout it part of the Humble Bundle during its early days. Pre-Steam key, so I had to get binary download from Humble's site. I had also bought it on the Wii. I should install it again, great game to play on the go via Steam Link.
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