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Bodycam horror shooter Chasmal Fear looks like a riot

By - | Views: 29,401

MystiveDev emailed in about Chasmal Fear, an upcoming horror shooter you play as if you're viewing it from a bodycam set in an underwater facility.

More about it: "Chasmal Fear is a first-person tactical shooter survival horror game that puts players in a mysteriously empty sci-fi underwater facility where something has gone terribly wrong. Ammo is scarce. The odds are stacked against you. Choose wisely between fighting or sneaking past the monstrosities which once killed might mutate into something even worse. Unlock hidden areas and solve puzzles to uncover the truth of what happened in this top-secret facility. Every decision will impact your gameplay experience, some swarming relentless monsters against you while others offering the chance to employ stealth and cunning to survive."

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When queried about Steam Deck and Linux support the developer mentioned: "Currently, the game is built for Windows, but we're aiming to make it playable both on Mac and Linux before full release."

Main Features:

  • LIMITED RESOURCES - Limited player ammo and scarce ammo boxes will encourage players to think strategically and be cautious while traversing the abandoned steel hallways.
  • IMMERSIVE BODYCAM - Artistic direction that utilizes the perspective of a bodycam footage. Set in the near future, players are also equipped with an AR Interface to help you through the dark hallways of the Magnus Facility.
  • MONSTER MUTATION SYSTEM - Some monsters will randomly start to mutate when killed into a stronger form. Do not be surprised when you encounter more dangerous foes in an area you thought you cleaned out. Make sure to end them before the mutation starts.
  • CHOICES AFFECT YOUR PLAYTHROUGH - Your choices will affect your gameplay experience. Choosing to open one way will close other paths to your next goal. Depending on your choice, you can dive guns blazing or sneak stealthily above a swarm of enemies; hide in the shadows or use your environment to squash the monstrosities.
  • FULLY RANDOMIZED EVENTS - Randomized events occurring throughout the game that provide replayability from varying sounds, crumbling ceilings, floors and unexpected scares.
  • ULTRA-REALISTIC ENVIRONMENTS - Ultra-realistic, sci-fi underwater station built underneath the waves and inside a massive ocean cliff. Its hallways seem abandoned. It is up to you to find your way out and survive the things that lurk within.
  • CO-OP POSSIBILITY - Bring a friend to Chasmal Fear and survive this nightmare together. The difficulty changes procedurally based on whether you play singleplayer or multiplayer co-op.

Looks pretty great so one to keep an eye on!

You can follow Chasmal Fear on Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Eike Jan 4
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Quote"Currently, the game is built for Windows, but we're aiming to make it playable both on Mac and Linux before full release."

On Unreal Engine. Well, let's see..
tuubi Jan 4
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That barrel distortion effect can't be a good idea. Watching that trailer makes me feel a bit nauseous. And since when is a bodycam perspective more immersive than, you know, viewing the action through the eyes of the player character? Are we remote controlling someone?

EDIT: Real bodycams tend to have a distorted image due to the wide-angle lens. Whereas here the field of view is actually quite limited. Doesn't make sense.

Last edited by tuubi on 4 January 2024 at 4:26 pm UTC
QuoteBodycam (..) shooter
New genre emerges?
If your going to put this much work into the body realism, perhaps also just toss in VR support for people also?
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