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If you love quick-fire action and the randomised upgrade mechanics made popular by Vampire Survivors, you might want to try out the demo for Earl vs. the Mutants. Tested on Linux with Proton 8, it works great.

While a lot of games inspired by VS don't actually do a lot different — this clearly does. You get to drive and boost yourself around big open maps, mow-down hordes of mutants and gun them down with vehicle-mounted weapons. This is probably going to be quite popular.

"Create unique and powerful builds by combining vehicle-mounted weapons, attack and support drones, level-up based upgrades, and game-changing temporary powerups! If you can survive long enough, go head-to-head against bosses to earn their vehicles."

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Game Features:

  • QUICK RUNS: Enjoy casual gameplay with runs averaging 10 minutes.
  • DYNAMIC BUILDS: Each attempt is different, powered by an expanding list of in-run upgrades.
  • PROGRESSION: Make progress across runs via unlocked vehicles and stat-based permanent upgrades.
  • VEHICLE COMBAT: Move FAST and crash into mutants head on! Colliding with enemies is half the fun, not something to be avoided.
  • 3D ENVIRONMENTS: Navigate the 3D terrains strategically, using the elevation to jump over enemies and hide behind mountains.
  • BOSS BATTLES: Survive an onslaught of mutant waves, then face off against their formidable bosses.

Check out the demo on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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1 comment

Minux Jan 25
How did you end being a character of that game, Liam? You seem changed tho in that mini picture of the video, with that moustache and being bald.

I know I'm bad, but at least I hope I made you smile reading that haha

(This is my payback for making me broke! )
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