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Huge fantasy city-builder Songs of Syx latest massive update is out

By - | Views: 27,846

After being in Beta since mid-December, the latest big content update to the fantasy city-builder Songs of Syx is out now bringing some sweeping changes. Still in Early Access but it's getting closer to the big 1.0 release.

More about it: Songs of Syx is a fantasy city-builder where you start off as an insignificant colony and build, scheme, and fight your way towards a metropolis and empire. The mechanics are complex and true to life, where small events can spiral into the collapse of kingdoms. Easy to learn, but impossible to master. It's set in a low-fantasy world with graphics aimed at stimulating your imagination.

The latest release, v65 "the way of water", features a big overhaul to the water system. This includes sweet and salty water that have different uses and a new water pumping system. Overall it sounds like there's a lot you can do with water in the game now like making canals, certain buildings use sweet water to function better and the water system just seems to have more depth to it now. Plus there's 4 new music tracks, an improve day/night cycle, new lock and unlock mechanics, new icons everywhere, lots of modding improvements, a new quarter-speed option was added, there's new damage and armour types, lots of UI reworks and the list just goes on and on as you'll see some of in the below video:

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My early time with the game showed that it had incredible potential, and I've seen that some players have put in 100s of hours into it. It has an Overwhelmingly Positive rating for both Overall and Recent reviews on Steam, so clearly the developer has been knocking it out of the park with the regular massive updates. Seriously, the review numbers are impressive with only 93 negative versus 3,122 positive.

I just continue to be impressed at the sheer scope of it, the game is huge and has so much to do in it so I'm not surprised to see such huge game time from some players. If you've skipped over it or not heard of it before, time to put it on your radar for sure.

You can buy it on and Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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I played the demo maybe a year or two ago. Definitely quite impressive, in the style of Dwarf Fortress or RimWorld (which is unfortunately taking up all my time right now). Worth checking out if you like that type of game, and this sounds like a nice update.
Tchey Jan 16
It’s an awesome city management colony sim, with huge numbers. It’s a nice change from most of the colony games, with 10-200 people to deal with. Here it’s more like 20 000 - 50 000. Also i love the arts, the theme, the feel, the pace... Great game already, full release would be even greater ! Plus the musician girl doing the main tracks is very excellent (i followed her before i knew about the game).
such Jan 16
She's also making music for an upcoming MMO. Not my bag, but her music very much is.
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