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Noxious Weeds takes Vampire Survivors and adds in angry veggies

By - | Views: 22,587

Love horde-slaying reverse bullet-hell survival games like Vampire Survivors? Noxious Weeds is another that's now available in Early Access and it comes with Native Linux support. Note: the developer sent a key to the GOL Steam Curator.

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Basically, this is VS with very angry plants as enemies along with a day and night cycle, and during the day you get to rescue cute little veggies to help out. Nice and inviting, colourful and has a sweet farming setting. That's about as good a description as I can offer. Currently though, there's not really a huge amount different to VS and other survivor-like games. 

It has the fun factor but is that enough when there's just oh-so-many similar games? Tough to answer fully. Right now, it feels like it needs more time in the oven to really add in more of a unique pull of which there isn't really enough of one.

During Early Access they said clearly they plan to add in more "Characters, Tools, Harvest items, and Game modes" — so hopefully they manage to add in a proper unique pull for it.

Game Features:

  • Resist waves of enemies through nights and days.
  • 20 minutes play sessions.
  • A variety of upgradeable Tools to wipe out the swarm once and for all. Your belt can carry a maximum of 6; your choices will change the outcome.
  • Rescue and team up with the cutest companions. Some will heal you, while others will fight at your side.
  • Collect the perfect crop combination to achieve game-breaking builds.
  • Accessibility. Tweak monsters' health, speed, and damage to better suit your play style.

You can buy Noxious Weeds on Steam. There's also a free Noxious Weeds: Prologue to try.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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1 comment

EWG Jan 23
Lmao this sounds great!
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